Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Another day in october - lake park

 Yeehaa. Husband took the kids to the lake park nearby. Naik motor scooter, main slides, and bubbles. It was quite a hot sunday tapi lepak bawah pokok tak rasa sangat panas dia . Cuma bila nak jalan balik ke kereta yess terasa panas dan bahang. Well, kids and husband enjoyed themselves. Dah lama tak beriadah. Luckily i wore the cotton dress shirt so if berpeluh ok je, cepat kering. Hehehe..

Last day october 2021

To be continue.. hahaha. We went out for a family dinner. But this time a bit far near putrajaya. Nice place tapi takde view lake lah. Food overall ok. Price pun ok. Nnt kita survey tmpt lain pulak ye.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

This month all the bought chicks RIP

All four died. One daddy gali lubang. The other three me and abang zafran and kakak zara yg selesaikan. The last one tu smp sakit and sengal2 sket tangan kiri kita. The armpit area. 2-3 hari je pastu alhamdulillah dah ok semula. Kena buat exercise mcm biasa. :) risau at first what did i do wrong this time. Pastu ingat2 balik, ohh aku kan cangkul tanah tadi. Nak buat lubang. Well, kesian semua ayam tu. tak panjang umur. Dia kena sakit ayam. Yang tinggal sekarang semua ayam kampung yg kids tangkap sendiri. Takpelah. At least merasa lah jaga ayam sendiri sekejap ye. :(

Selfie with si bongsu


Suka2 selfie :)

Dah lama tak buat routine body project

It’s been a while tak work out. Earlier this month rasa mcm ada nak down sket dah feelings tu. it’s not period pain. Tp rasa mcm body lemau sket. So last 2 weeks i started back my 3 times weekly schedule to have 30minutes exercises. And this time i have it in the morning sbb i rs bila petang i am sooo pack dgn kids nak main kat luar, i nak tgk tv lah, nak lipat baju lah, nak pegi groceries shopping la. So i decided let it be morning. And so far alhamdulillah maintaining up to today. :) and yes i also included a 2 minutes plank for beginners. To tighten my belly. Fuh! Penat dia toksah cakap lah. Berpeluh2 kita dibuatnya. :) hehehehe. Inshaallah semoga dpt istiqamah. 

Sleeping in between beds

Soooo cute. In between katil pun boleh tido dia. His mummy pun sama. Cuma time mummy sleep situ, takde siapa snap pic pun. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

First attempt masak nasi lemak sendiri

Alhamdulillah and yaay! Managed to cooked nasi lemak, sambal ikan bilis, with telur rebus , ikan bilis goreng and kacang goreng. Boleh tahan rasa dia sampai i mlm tu dah rasa muak makan banyak sangat nasi lemak. Well bravo achim. Hehehehe.. nnt boleh buat lagi. :) pic nasi lemak with sambal sikit tu zara punya ye. Taknak telur, tak nak kacang and semua frenz dia. Hahahahaha…

Outing with familia at serendah waterfall

At first wasnt in the plan to go pastu last minute ended up semua orang pun pegi. Oklah bagi chance semua org pun nak happy kan especially MIL kan. Dia suka saja nak pegi jalan ramai2 siap dah plan cuti deepavali nak balik kampung. Tengok lah nanti camne. I takde plan pun lagi. At the moment mmg mcm blum ada widot to spend lagi. Tunggu je lah dulu. So in the meantime kita bawak kids dekat2 je lah. Pegi rumah tokmak, pegi playground, round2 masuk mall and emm beli icecream. Yaay!! Anyways, the waterfall was at serendah. Mmg challenging nak naik atas tu. jalan dia berbatu batu. Tapi alhamdulillah we managed to reach there. Booked a gazebo, right in front of the river. Pastu makan mandi sungai repeat smp around 3.30. Pack pack and gerak balik. By the time turun bawah, hujan lebat until shah alam. Alhamdulillah sampai rumah safely. Thanks for the day. :)

Playing at playground

Dah 2 weeks sunday brought the kids to play at the playground during petang. Replaced time diorang main petang dekat laman rumah dekat playground. At the playground they can play scooter and the elder play kasut roda. Jadilah kan. Buat diorang suka2 main petang. Nnt i plan nak pegi lagi some sort of playground mcm tu lagi. Weekend lah bila i got the car ye. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Zara’s origami for seni

 Macam2 artwork. Tengok youtube and try buat. 

Holla.. sukaneka for the kids

Been wanting to have a sukaneka for the kids since bulan lepas kot. Finally last tuesday and today, i managed to conduct  a small sukaneka for the kids and their cousin. :) to have fun actually.

1. Isi air dalam cawan. Kita pakai apa yg ada kat rumah. Colouring tu i used food colouring. So it is safe ye kids. Semua beriya-iya semangat kesukanan. Including my youngest Zayyan. Bersemangat sungguh. Team ada 3. Satu team 2 org. And the colours ikut warna food colouring yg available. For game number 2, ikut warna belon yg available. :)

2. Kepit belon, kutip batu and lari balik dkt team member. Siapa habiskan batu dlm bakul dulu dia menang. Pandai diorang ni, ada yg amik 2 batu sekali gus. Tak lompat lah. Lari je. Belon terlepas and many more. Jaaaaadilaaaahhh for kids to have fun. 

Monday, October 4, 2021