Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Last day of April

Last day of April. Alhamdulillah. I am recovering from coughing. Husband brought me to see doctor sbb risau kan. Lagi nak dekat raya. Paru paru clear. So kena on antibiotics and ubat batuk lagi. Baru mcm ada kurang. Semoga sembuh sepenuhnya. Just finished sahur. Going to sleep soon. Nnt i type lagi. :)

Friday, April 29, 2022

Being cheeky with mummy

Manja benor. Next year nak school dah. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Tb - wedding of hubby’s friend

It was a weekend before the fasting month. My first wedding event post covid-19. Lama giler tak bersiap, makeup, dress up, and makan makanan kenduri. Hahahahaha. Baju pun macam dah sendat sikit kat tummy and butt. Semua pun getting bigger. Hehehehe. Semoga lepas ni istiqomah untuk maintain weight saya. Sbb sendiri rasa berat if banyak sangat makan. Inshaallah :) btw, here’s our photo to the ceremony.

Throwback - short trip to PD before puasa

It was husband’s wish to bring his mom as well into our short small family trip. Tapi last2 his eldest sis and the family also tagged along. Takpelah. The more the merrier. (Bak kata omputih) hahahaha. 

We went the last weekend before puasa. Alhamdulillah it went well. From the journey, the hotel, the beach, the food and the kids. Semua pun memang enjoying themselves. Include the youngest. Asik nak main pool je. Hahahaha. Sampai the next day tu tak nak balik rumah ye. Anyway we had funs overthere. To the next short trip ye kids. Sabar sikit lagi je. Daddy nak kumpul duit. 

Who wants to smell the mashamness of zayyan

Hehehehe…. Betul betul masham punya kat area neck ni. Nak2 bila dia tengah peluh kuat main sampai berlengas. Hehehe. Apa2 pun i still love to smell. Ada campur bau baby masham. Besar sket dah hilang dah bau tu. tinggal bau harimau je. ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Salam Nuzul Al-Quran

It’s 17th Ramadhan today. Salam Nuzul Quran. We are planning to cook some simple dish for buka puasa later. Everyone is recovering. Alhamdulillah. Semoga diberikan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Aminn. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Menu berbuka 1st - 8th Ramadhan 2022

1st: kari ikan, ayam bbq bakers cottage, air milo

2nd: ayam kapitan, ulam raja, tepung pelita, air sirap

3rd: sup ayam, kangkung belacan, sambal geprek, roti john

4th: ayam bakar, ikan goreng, sup sayur tauhu, air sarsi

5th: ayam bakar, sup sawi, air sirap

6th: ayam varuval, sayur kobis tumis air, air soursop

7th: nasi arab, roti john, roti naan cheese (moreh)

8th: kurma daging, kangkung belacan, roti naan cheese

This week’s menu tbc okay. Hahahahaha

Alhamdulillah already 8 days fasting

One week of fasting in ramadhan has passed. Left around 3 more weeks to go. So fast. Alhamdulillah. Doing well despite of the haus and letih time siang. Kids doing good as well. Zafran so far full lagi. Zara dah 2 hari tinggal. Takpelah kita nak belajar puasa. Kesian pulak dia. Slow slow lah ye. To me and husband. Semoga istiqomah. For zayyan he also tak ketinggalan bersahur. Adding the ingredients as well. Makan nasi time sahur jugak pastu pukul 8.30 breakfast cam biasa. And then puasa pulak untl 10. Makan lagi. Puasa pulak until lunch time. And puasa balik. ;) so cute. Nanti dah besar kita try puasa full pulak ye. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Salam Ramadhan 2022

Alhamdulillah. It is already 3 days fasting. First time sahur and buka puasa at our own place. Nak kena manage time properly and also the food so tak terlebih banyak sgt or terkurang. Alhamdulillah. Sampai akhirnya kami ke bulan Ramadhan kali ini. Inshaallah. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan untuk hari2 esok. Amin. :)