Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Throwback - short trip to PD before puasa

It was husband’s wish to bring his mom as well into our short small family trip. Tapi last2 his eldest sis and the family also tagged along. Takpelah. The more the merrier. (Bak kata omputih) hahahaha. 

We went the last weekend before puasa. Alhamdulillah it went well. From the journey, the hotel, the beach, the food and the kids. Semua pun memang enjoying themselves. Include the youngest. Asik nak main pool je. Hahahaha. Sampai the next day tu tak nak balik rumah ye. Anyway we had funs overthere. To the next short trip ye kids. Sabar sikit lagi je. Daddy nak kumpul duit. 

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