Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 25, 2022

Zafran’s ic

After 2 weeks then only i realised i forgot about the whole ic thingy for zafran. So mulalah panicking. Message Along first tanya dia sbb she just made for her youngest son last year. So mesti tak bnyk different dengan this year. And betul. I even called the hq and branch offices. Dia cakap kena datang awal pagi lah. Tp if nak senang buat appointment dulu. So here i did the appointment at 9am the following week. Officer tu ckp jgn lupa surat beranak original.

And the day has come. :) a day before go and buy his dark colored shirt sbb zafran takde. Pegi 2 mall and lucky ada dekat the 2nd mall. Takyah nak ke 3rd mall sbb nak kena fetch kids pulak lepas tu. 

malam tu iron semua baju, check berkali kali documents nak bawak. :) i yg extra nervous. With a bit of changes in plan. Kena drop zayyan rumah atok kejap sebab kakak nak kena pegi school. If not ingat nak drop kat rumah uwan je. So kena detour masuk seksyen 7 dulu pastu simple brekkie before we head to the nearest JPN. 

Parking was easy. Maybe we were early despite of the appointment time at 9am. Pergi first counter. Amik form isi segala bagai. Pastu tunggu turn utk kena panggil serah form. If nak photostat ada tempat kat area cafe tapi takde lah jalan jauh sangat. Oklah for me. Sambil usha2 tempat utk brekkie lagi nanti time waiting. Siap serah borang, berkali-kali officer tu check thumbprint zafran co the quality is low. Last2 dpt jugak what the officer wants, pastu kena check semua details before they proceed to print the data. Lepas tu tunggu kena panggil utk ambil gambar. Zafran dah nervous time ni. Sbb officer amik picture tu garang. “Jangan bongkok” “duduk tegak” “senyum” and paap dah dapat tangkap. :) so tunggu je lah time ic siap nak tengok mcm mana muka zafran. Hahahaha. 

This time tunggu dalam 1hour dkt cafe before we masuk and drop our form to collect the card. Almost 30 minutes lagi kena tunggu. So time tu duduk je lah dalam office dia. Aircond sejuk. Finally our number being called. To collect . Lepas tu tengok. Wow hensem abam. Hahahaha. :)

Around 15min later abah hantar zayyan dekat situ. So we can go back fetch kakak from school terus.

Alhamdulillah dipermudahkan urusan kami. 

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