Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hari Malaysia holiday at Avillion Port dickson

Husband surprised a short pd trip last weekend. Followed by a night with his extended family at another hotel nearby in pd. so of course the packing starts in the morning itself after settling banking issues. :) only zara went to school coz she will be knowing the singing competition result of the merdeka week. And yes her class got the 1st place. And yes she is so happy and excited. Siap practise nyanyi hari2 sampai zayyan pun dah hafal. Hehehehe. Congrats dik! :)

Back to the trip. Biasalah gerak lambat 1.5 hours later than planned. Tp lunch covered. McD drive through je. Senang. Sambil makan boleh terus gerak. Pastu we reached Pd around 4. Takde lah jam sangat like nak balik segamat hari tu. so alhamdulillah. Managed to reach destination on time. :)

This time we stayed at avillion, port dickson. Never been here. It was a ne experience for us. We took the water chalet. Memang menarik. Dia basically banyak jalan je from the reception centre. Unlike hotel bunga, kena naik buggy. Ni siap bagi map and dah mcm nak pegi treasure hunt pulak. Hehe. Boleh try lagi if nak tido sini. We took the one without breakfast sbb husband mmg suka tapau breakfast from nearby local shops. To taste their food. And so far semua pun mmg sedap. Kids sampai2 je tak sabar nak pegi pool. Pool kids siap ada slide. For adults ada 2 pool, one next to the kids, one jauh sket and only adults are allowed in.

View wise from our room best. Dapat tengok laut. And i like it. :) petang tu husband said gi lah book spa dia. And yes, i went for the massage. I took the signature package. For one hour. The experience was really different eventhough i have been to various massages centre back at shah alam & klang. Nervous banyak sebenarnya. Tapi it was worth it.  The massage centre is on the water as well. Cantik tempat dia. With the layout and interior design. Semua cantik. Memang rasa kena je dengan spa. :) the message is a combination of swedish and balinese. Which i rasa ok not bad. Anyone yang nak try their spa, yes recommended. Price pun yes affordable. And they have many more packages if u are interested to try for something else like sauna and others. :)

Malam dinner at usual place, Embok Village. :) makanan kita not steamboat tapi kita amik tomyam, ayam masak merah & telur dadar. Makanan yg simple je tp sedap. 

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