Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Nak ikut daddy solat jumaat

Alhamdulillah. :) kalo daddy is around, mesti dia nak ikut sekali pegi masjid.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Last day of school for 2022/2023

Yep i remembered, they started school later 2 months than everyone else. Coz we got no car at that time. Only left with viva. But despite of that incompleteness, they managed to go to school to the last day. Alhamdulillah. Zayyan je cuti sbb demam & batuk. Semoga tahun baru darjah baru ni, more inprovement in yourselves ye kiddos. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My new sunscreen

This time i choose loreal. Baru start pakai eventhough dah receive last week. :) not that sticky. And rasa ok je on my skin. Takde gatal2 so far. Lets wear it istiqomah-ly for 2 weeks and let see the results then. :) i choose this sbb dia suitable for all types of skin. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Zafran’s Darjah 6 graduation day

Congrats abang. To the next chapter. Semoga sentiasa success and berjaya. Mummy & daddy will always pray for u. 

Pagi tu banyak cerita before the ceremony. Zara dah lambat nak gi school, zayyan pulak tetiba nak pegi school. So its like mcm banyak nya drama di pagi hari. Zara siap nangis nak pegi school. By the way, semua selamat sampai destinasi. Alhamduliilah the event went well. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

My new moisturizer

Been eyeing to add on few items to my skincare routine. That includes moisturizer and sunscreen. So after searching and reading finally i bought the Simple brand. After been using it for 2 weeks i rasa so far memang dia moisture my skin. Sampai ke petang i nak mandi pun still terasa moist tu tapi taklah sampai berminyak ya. And i love it. Smell pun takde lah kuat sangat. Olay lagi kuat. So kita try pakai istiqomah sampai habis ya. Tunggu my sunscreen sampai. Yg tu takde jual pulak kat watsons or guardian. So i bought from shoppee tapi not yet arrive. Hopefully by this week o can get it and start wearing it. :)

Daddy said kolam day on public holiday

Takde nak travel travel this time coz daddy got work to settle. So he set up the kids pool so they can jam inside and he continue with installing the tables. Itu pun husband dah injured terketuk jari sendiri. Penat lah tu. btw, thanx for melayan kids and me. Hehehe :)

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Pegi school Friday seems ok

Alhamdulillah. He didnt cry to go to school yesterday. Happy looking at him. Just this 2-3 days bribe him with a small token of appreciation (gift) sbb pergi school. Shayaannggg ayyan. :) dah big dah bongsu mummy. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Hello february. Today ada org melalak pegi school

Itu lah ayyan. Since malam tadi mcm repeatedly ckp NO school today. Sampai pagi tadi. Last2 i buat2 mcm nak hanger terus siap nak gi school. Tapi mulut ada nombor 8 lah. Muncung je. Hahahaha. :) semoga istiqomah pergi sekolah ye. :) love u!