Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

My new moisturizer

Been eyeing to add on few items to my skincare routine. That includes moisturizer and sunscreen. So after searching and reading finally i bought the Simple brand. After been using it for 2 weeks i rasa so far memang dia moisture my skin. Sampai ke petang i nak mandi pun still terasa moist tu tapi taklah sampai berminyak ya. And i love it. Smell pun takde lah kuat sangat. Olay lagi kuat. So kita try pakai istiqomah sampai habis ya. Tunggu my sunscreen sampai. Yg tu takde jual pulak kat watsons or guardian. So i bought from shoppee tapi not yet arrive. Hopefully by this week o can get it and start wearing it. :)

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