Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Hello Langkawi

Its been quire sometimes since we last actually went for a real holiday (according to daddy). But for me, if it’s 2 days 1 night i still feel it’s a holiday. For me lah. And after considering a few options, we decided to go to langkawi as the first destination with mode of travelling there: aeroplane. First timer zayyan, he said ok ada time dia cakap telinga dia tak dengar. Hopefully u’ll be ok when we are going travelling to other places as well. 

Before we actually left for our short getaway, our kids were not feeling well. Zara with on off flu & batuk, zafran, sore throat and batuk, and zayyan angin on tummy. Alahaii… sian nye semua org. I mmg pack ubat-ubatan semua ye. Praying and doa that anak2 semua ok kat sana nanti.

Alhamdulillah everyone is recovering. Finished packing bags awal. Siap dah pilih and iron nak pakai baju apa esoknya to Langkawi. We even asked the kids to sleep as early as 10pm. Yg paling awal of course zara. Yang lain2 nearly 11 jugaklah including us. :) 

Pagi Wednesday 30/8 tu zara lah yg terpaling awal bangun. Pukul 5am. Siap mandi and kejut us around 5.25am camtu. So semua orang pun bangun mandi and settle themselves. I and husband d the lat checking, siram pokok bunga, buang sampah, check suis lampu kipas coway washing machine iron etc. :) semoga semuanya dipermudahkan. :)

Sampai airport around 8am. Sempat lah nak catch a quick breakfast before flight. Zayyan said he is excited. Sian dia. First timer for him. :) kita semua makan mcd breakfast set. Pastu siap pegi toilet dulu before take off. Ingat pukul 9am tu dah ok. Rupa nya we are TOO LATE FOR BOARDING. Hahahahaha apalagiii berlari lah kitorang kat dalam tu nak menyampai ke gdeparture gate. Adushh! Adushh! And yah we were the last passengers before the crew actually close the plane’s door right before us. Alhamdulillah sempat. Tu lah lama noo kat kedai makan. Take our own sweet time. :) next time if flight 9.35 1 hour before tu dah boarding ye. :)

Alhamdulillah sampai langkawi one hour later. Wow! Lama noo tak gi sana. Last was in 2013, and now 10 years later with additional kiddo. Dalam plane zara je mcm sakit telinga sikit sbb dia ada flu. Zayyan pulak cakap dia tak dgr suara dia. Soo semua makan gula2 sikit dalam flight. Abang ok. Myself mcm dizzy sket. Yg i perasan i banyak tunduk bangun tunduk bangun sbb bag dok bwh seat passenger depan kitorang. 

Sampai je amik kereta terus ke nasi dagang pak malau. Sbb nasi dia putih and rasa mmg nak kena try. Rasa mmg sedap. I loike! Nyum nyum. Recommended place to go eat. Pastu round2 pekan nak cari tempat lunch pulak we went to the jetty mall. Makan kfc lah kita. Sementara nak buang masa before check in at 3pm.

We got another exciting activity to go lps check in. :) selesai check in semua, the next activity is sunset cruise. First experience for all of us. Despite of the sea sick and dizzy dan pening, alhamdulillah the cruise went well. Merasa lah sea jacuzzi, bbq on the yatch, pastu angin sejuk dia. Hehehehe. Semua tu experience for us. Especially the kecik one. Memang ada rasa nak try lagi tapi kids semua cakap tak nak naik yatch lagi. Hahahaha…. How yang? Anak u semua cakap tak nak. Zara so far ok ok the yatch. She is fine. Makan banyak lak tu. Hoping she is enjoying her holiday there. :)

Malam tu tapau simple dinner je buat lapik pastu zayyan last2 muntah. Semua tam tam keluar. Rasanya sebab perut dia masuk angin. Bila dia muntah, nampak dia lega dah sikit. Pastu we sumbat je dgn bubur sampai esok biar dia makan nasi all the way sampai balik. Tak nak bagi angin masuk tummy dia. 

2nd day breakfast husband tapau je. Bawak kids swimming pastu time to go to the next hotel for the dest of our holidays. Tanjung Rhu Beach Resort memang cantik. The view, the beach, the room, and of course the weather the air segar and fresh rasanya. Thanks yang for this treat. Love u! We sempat choc shopping and lunch nasi before check in. Kedai nasi campur dia sedap. If dtg lagi blh mkn sini tp tu lah. Nama kedai tak ingat pulak. Hehehehe.

Pastu the rest of the activities basically around the beach and swimming pool kat hotel. Beach memang cantik. Bila air surut boleh jalan gi sana. :) area pulau tu. Bila air pasang kena balik lah. Weather ada tak menentu sikit. Ada hujan ada panas. Tp hujan dia bukan lah lebat sangat. Standard kot tepi laut. Tapi ok je we can handle it. Second nite dinner kat hotel’s cafe. Quite expensive tapi taste sedap. The next day tu, dinner tapau from next door stall next to our hotel. :) btw, murah lah and rasa not bad. We even took the atv ride kat area food stall tu. Talking bout the beach, memang cantik sampai hujug sana. I really enjoy myself. 

4 days 3 nights macam tak cukup ye. Rasa nak stay lama tapi we have to get back to reality. Hope to come again here. Thanks yang for the holiday treat. Hope to go to more holidays with u and our kids!

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