Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 20, 2023

Salam Jumaat

October is going to an end another 10 days. Alhamdulillah for everything up until now. Cukup makan, pakai, proper tempat tinggal. Everyday trying myself to improve myself becoming a better muslim. Inshaallah. 

This week has cone to weekend kan. Like sooooo fast. I just felt like yesterday i was busy with thinga and this week pun sama. Semoga diberikan kesihatan yg baik. Now i am targetting to finish the quran reading by end of the year. Lagi cepat lagi bagus. Hehehehe… mcm lama nooo nak habis. Tapi boleh. Slowly but surely. Sekarang dah start masuk surah-surah yang tak berapa panjang. Dalam tiga-empat muka surat, pastu new surah. Lepas habis ni, nak try baca quran yg ada terjemahan sekali. Boleh tau cerita surah tu pasal apa. :)

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