Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Zafran’s lips

Alhamdulillah. Recovering. Sebelum ni macam kesian sangat kat skin dia.  But bila we changed his diet, to include more fruits & veg, nampak ada inprovement. And not forgetting. Creams, sabun mandi, ubat gigi. And alhamdulillah dah semakin pulih. Bila dia makan je keropok yg tinggi msg kena remind dia , enough for this food. 

Main make up make up

 Hahahahaha… zayyan pun ikut maummy make-up. Of course i ada dinner event to attend. Tapi dia? Hahahaha.. jadilah.. :)

Monday, January 29, 2024

1st time cooking using egg tofu

Been wanting to cook the veg simple dish using egg tofu. And finally i got it after i bought semua types of sayur. Egg tofu, brocolli, carrots and shitake mushroom. I was very happy tapi kids mcm dah muak pulak makan lauk tu. Hehehehe.. takpe. Janji dah try masak. Lepas ni kalau nak masak egg tofu, can try other recipe tapi masak sikit je lah. :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Unplanned trip to Janda Baik

Husband wanted to go to Bentong tapi none of us actually awake when the alarm goes by. I ended up waking up at 7.30 despite of putting the alarm at 6am and go to bed around 10 something ish pm just to make sure we got enough sleep and rest before we wake up the next day. Hahahaha… :) so then husband said siap je lah. We are going out for the day so we had breakfast at mamak shop nearby, then off we go to janda baik. Just to catch a breathtaking view. Hurmm… really nice view. We reaches around 11am. And the weather is so cool. Taking a deep breath rasa fresh sangat. We stopped by at Kopi N Kraf, had hot chocolate amd hot latte before we make our way home. Changing view. Husband kata healing healing katanya lepas a week full of stress. :)

Monday, January 22, 2024

Outing with my roomate

Its been very very long like 3 years i have not seen Mus. mcm soooo bz. Decided to go see her last year tapi she got to go for a trip with another friend. So we postpone postpone sampai lah i decided to ask her out early this year. Borak2 makan2 jalan2 hahahaha… each other dah so much change. More adult i think. Hope can meet up again some other time. :)

Monday, January 8, 2024

My youngest demam last friday nite

He said tummy sakit. Pastu i dah start rasa body dia a bit warm. Started feeling worried. So put him to sleep early and standby all the medication downstairs. But almost evry hour from 11pm to 2am in the morning, dia bangun and cranky. So decides to give him ubat demam 3.5ml. And i pun cam x berapa nak tido. Risau. Selawat banyak2 nak bagi calm down. And ao alhamdulillah he is getting better and takde cranky. And again need to remind him, screen time paling lama 2 jam je. Pastu dah. Lepas tu evry time lepas mandi petang mesti akan sapu minyak kat whole of his body. And starting again scott emulsion for the kids. Semoga istiqomah. :)

Friday, January 5, 2024

Spring cleaning our room

Our room in MiL’s house was in a mess. The tangki above bocor and all the water leaking to our bedroom. Making our room like banjir. The whole cabinet was like soak and wet. And of course the things inside we need to get rid of it. Total plastic bags to be thrown are like 8. Including my huge teddy bear. And now dah much more cleaner. Then thinking, rumah karya mesti kena spring cleaning like at least once a year. Adoii banyak kerja. :) takpelah. Slowly. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

1st day of school after a whole month break

Macam2 perangai. :) supposed to be yesterday 2.1.2024 first day of school but he ended up not waking up at 7am so he skipped school. So today the first day for him. Menangis lah apalagi masa nak bangun pagi. Tak nak pegi. If i layan kan aje dia, confirm tak pegi lagi school. Dalam kereta, siap tertido pastu sampai school lalak kagi kuat. :) syiann dia. Bff pun ada ye tadi. Balik school muka happy like biasa. :)

Monday, January 1, 2024

01012024 - 1 out of 365

Selamat tahun baru 2024 - another year alhamdulillah. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan, dipanjangkan umur dan semoga yang lebih baik utk hari hari yg mendatang. :)