Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 8, 2024

My youngest demam last friday nite

He said tummy sakit. Pastu i dah start rasa body dia a bit warm. Started feeling worried. So put him to sleep early and standby all the medication downstairs. But almost evry hour from 11pm to 2am in the morning, dia bangun and cranky. So decides to give him ubat demam 3.5ml. And i pun cam x berapa nak tido. Risau. Selawat banyak2 nak bagi calm down. And ao alhamdulillah he is getting better and takde cranky. And again need to remind him, screen time paling lama 2 jam je. Pastu dah. Lepas tu evry time lepas mandi petang mesti akan sapu minyak kat whole of his body. And starting again scott emulsion for the kids. Semoga istiqomah. :)

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