Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Last day of march

 Alhamdulillah. 20th day of ramadhan. Semoga dipermudahkan sehingga ke hari terakhir ramadhan. :) settling our baju raya. Trying to be monimalist. :) harga pun ada yg mcm mengarut jugak. Adoiii… semoga semuanya baik2 aja. :)

Bunga api pesta dah start. Tapi this year husband set only weekend to play. Friday malam and saturday malam. Sunday malam takyah. Sbb nak rest esoknya school & work. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Starting to make kuih raya

Projek kuih raya dah bermula. Tapi baru satu batch lah kita bakar. Ingat nak sambung lagi tapi mcm keletihan. Hehehehe.. tengok lah pagi nanti. :) si kecik tu macam2 nak dibuatnya. Lepas ni cookies butter coklat pastu kuih dahlia yg memang every year ada. Hehehe

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Katanya nak dirobohkan tapi semalam ada nampak satu article kata itu fake news

It’s fake katanya. Was sad when i first saw this news sebab tempat membesar and round2 dgn my mum. Cari2 barang, pegi mkn, pegi bank, hahahaha those days. Naik bus atau taxi cakap pkns tau je. Awal2 i pindah shah alam, tau pegi sini je. Hehehehe.. :) memoriess..

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Ada pun pic anak girl at this school session

This year all her gang berpisah-pisah. Sebab combine dengan sk(2). So ada new friends and ada old friend. Last thursday i went to her school, katanya ada colouring with parents. Kemain beriya suruh kita datang. Ok sebab i am on leave kita pun pegi lah. :) turns out not many parents turn out pun. So, teman lah dia colour sampai habis. So lepastu baru fetch dua anak boys pulak. :) gitulah kisah nya.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Butter kurma

I was going through my ig on the 1st ramadan while waiting for zayyan to finish school. Pastu jumpa banyak org posting pasal kurma butter ni. And bila i baca lagi, it was Nabi Muhammad saw favourite food as well. No wonder lah banyak org mengupload photos of making butter kurma. Bila my husband is back from work, told him that and immediately after breakfasting he started doing it. For him he said nice, lemak berkrim. For me, macam ishh manis noo lah. Macam nak muak. Hehehehe.. well, everyone ada their own taste. :)

Si bongsu first day of school

Alhamdulillah. He managed to get theough the days until today the 4th day of school in standard 1. So far tengok dah ada friend. Can mix around. :) cuma dpt one time rehat je lah sbb dah start puasa kan. Takpe son, slowly. Nanti banyak lah kawan tu. :) semoga rajin lagi belajar, learn new things, sometime ada lah mcm sebak sbb he already enter into big kid school. No more baby. Tapi for me he is always my baby. :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Salam first ramadan

Selamat berpuasa semua! 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Kalau ikut mummy to run errands mesti kena pau

Hahhahahaha.. itulah zayyan. Soooo cute. Itupun dah habis nego ye. Nak beli plushie lah, chocolate lah, ice cream lah. Last2 i said, satu je. Chocolate. Pastu teriba ckp satu lagi utk kakak. So ye lah i amik dua . Bijak punya budak. :)

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Baking a cake - after so long

I guess it is about a year since i bake a cake. Specifically butter cake. And to my surprise, cake tu the bottom part mcm not fully cake. Memang atas dia ada crack crack tu tapi its not muffin that i need a crack. I need the cake to be fully cooked. Well, after two times that i adjusted the temperature and timing, dapat lah cake tapi not so perfect. Ni yg buat lagi geram and i need to bake it some more maybe during raya or after raya. Tangan dah tak berseni bila baking ni. Ish ish ish. :) hehehehe.. husband is craving for the cake. Hahahaha.. nanti wife cuba buat lagi. Hari tu yg banyak i buat brownies, and cookies. Cake memang lama lah tak bake. Memang kena full focus ye. Oklah. Heres the picture of the cakes.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Happy new month - 1st march

Holla new month. This month we are entering a new month. Holy month of Ramadhan. :) semoga diberikan kesihatan yang baik untuk menunaukan ibadah puasa, banyakkan bersabar and trying to be better day and each day. :)

Btw, today cooked sambal goreng my own style tapi kena belajr lagi mcm mana nak buat ikan bilis tu lagi crunchy :)