Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Baking a cake - after so long

I guess it is about a year since i bake a cake. Specifically butter cake. And to my surprise, cake tu the bottom part mcm not fully cake. Memang atas dia ada crack crack tu tapi its not muffin that i need a crack. I need the cake to be fully cooked. Well, after two times that i adjusted the temperature and timing, dapat lah cake tapi not so perfect. Ni yg buat lagi geram and i need to bake it some more maybe during raya or after raya. Tangan dah tak berseni bila baking ni. Ish ish ish. :) hehehehe.. husband is craving for the cake. Hahahaha.. nanti wife cuba buat lagi. Hari tu yg banyak i buat brownies, and cookies. Cake memang lama lah tak bake. Memang kena full focus ye. Oklah. Heres the picture of the cakes.

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