Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hi. Packing things for umrah :)

Been counting days since ramadhan after we have comfirmed our seats to visit Madinah and perform umrah at Mekah. Alhamdulillah preparation went well. Even though there are times that i myself feel a bit stressed with the condition plus myself was not healthy. With dizziness, angin, adoiiii.. :( tapi semua tu i doakan semoga by the time berangkat ke tanah suci, sakit2 tu semua sembuh and i become fit inshaallah. :)

Packing things will not be easy. As i have to pack for 5 people including myself for 2 weeks with the medication for us, documentations, vaccine and clothings. Its like additional 5k for all of the expenses top from the package prices. :) but in the end. Alhamdulillah. It went well through all our joirney. :)

Monday, April 29, 2024

Not all are in the frame

Terima kasih for coming over to shim’s house. Hopefully the food all ok. Hehehehehe :) nanti next event kita gather lagi. :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

3rd week raya - puasa 6

Alhamdulillah. Dapat sehari dah puasa 6. Lagi 5 hari belum sure lagi. This year i set if dpt i buat, if not takpelah. Husband kuat semangat. Today dah 3 hari dia buat. Semoga yg baik baik saja utk dia. Love u! 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

5th syawal

So fast that it is 5th syawal already. And tomorrow mostly people are going back to work & school. My house tak habis kemas lagi. Hahahaha.. memanjang je tak habis kemas. Rak buku now my focus. Dapur tu setiap masa setiap hari. Need to adjust last years books and put in new books. :) hopefully dpt siap by esok lah. Or else it will drag to longer days. Well as i used to say, satu hari satu area. Takleh kaut semua. Tak larat ooo… all the best shim. Chaiyok! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Salam 1st syawal 2024

Alhamdulillah. 1st syawal is here. Dpt gather again with family members and eat. Hahahaha. No lah. Menjamu selera. Makan kena control jugak. :) 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The last terawih for this year’s ramadan

Alhamdulillah. Tahun ni banyak buat solat terawih. Kat rumah with family. Sebab tahun lepas banyak mengantuk and tak dpt buat. So tahun ni, ada tukar strategy sikit. And alhamdulillah dpt fulfill. Rasanya ada lah at least half of it. Sbb ada yg period tak dpt join. :) semoga ketemu lagi di tahun depan. Inshaallah. :)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Ragam anak bongsu di bulan puasa

He wanted to fast as well tapi bila kejut time sahur mcm terpalinggg mengantuk sangat. So stil kejut awal but after subuh lah. Around 6.15-6.30. So makan nasi jugak. So boleh sustain lama sikit. Air pun bawak je kalo gi sekolah and outing. Tapi, as and when dia nak makan dia akan request. So takpe. Keep on learning son. Shayam ayyan. :) 

Alhamdulillah 25th ramadan

Dah 25 ramadan. Tak berapa hari je lagi nak habis ramadan. Semoga diberikan kesihatan yg baik, inshaallah. :) tiberr ada rasa sayu pulak. Nak habis ramadan. Tapi apa-apa pun i am grateful. Alhamdulillah. :) another round trip of terawih with family with husband as imam. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Welcome April

Its new month. Now its less than 10 days before ramadhan is leaving us. Till we meet again next year. Inshaallah. :)