Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hi. Packing things for umrah :)

Been counting days since ramadhan after we have comfirmed our seats to visit Madinah and perform umrah at Mekah. Alhamdulillah preparation went well. Even though there are times that i myself feel a bit stressed with the condition plus myself was not healthy. With dizziness, angin, adoiiii.. :( tapi semua tu i doakan semoga by the time berangkat ke tanah suci, sakit2 tu semua sembuh and i become fit inshaallah. :)

Packing things will not be easy. As i have to pack for 5 people including myself for 2 weeks with the medication for us, documentations, vaccine and clothings. Its like additional 5k for all of the expenses top from the package prices. :) but in the end. Alhamdulillah. It went well through all our joirney. :)

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