Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 31, 2024

Last day of May 2024

Last day of school break before everyone resume to their school with activities as usual. Games only during weekends. Now dah susah nak simpan laptop coz the screen is crack. Sekarang main je lah tapi kena gilir gilir abang dan ayyan. Kalo tak asik abangggh je. Or else asik ayyan je. Zara pulak. Guna laptop mummy. Pakai je lah nak. Jgn sampai rosak dah lah ye. 

Daddy back with his tight schedule and financial. May everything is at ease for him. Kadang2 tengok kesian dia. With us tagging along. Tu yg sometimes rasa malas nak keluar rumah. Duduk kat rumah je lah. Cost save. Sikit2 beli like roti or biscuits dah cukup for them. :)

As for mummy, semoga diberikan kesihatan badan & mental yg baik. Kemas2 rumah ni memang everyday job. Ada je lah yang nak dikemaskan. Pastu 2-3 days later, sama penuh balik. Mana-mana lah kids. Selagi boleh kemas, we kemas. If penat lantak kan dia di situ. :)

Monday, May 20, 2024

A week after back from umrah

At times ada rasa mcm x fully recover sgt. Or maybe ourselves tak fit. Belum start exercising. Brisk walk pun belum. Zayyan batuk & flu. Semoga segera sembuh. Aamiin. :) the rest of us semoga dipermudahkan urusan. :)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Alhamdulillah recovering after back here

Alhamdulillah. For the first week after back from umrah. Still rasa badan tu mcm letih2. Nak adjust with the old timing again. Zayyan and husband start batuk2. The rest of us takde batuk or flu. Cuma letih tu masih terasa lagi. Semua baju2, kain ihram, jubah and the rest of laundry dah habis basuh. Dah habis lipat. Ada lagi sikit2 nak lipat tu should be ok by tomorrow. :)

Kids pun dah start school by today. Ada teachers day celebration kat sekolah. Each one of them bought sejadah travel from mekkah. Hopefully cikgu2 pun suka dgn gift tu. :)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Travelling back - tawaf wida - good bye Mekkah

So sad. Macam sedih pulak nak balik Malaysia dah. Macam ehh sekejap je time’s up. Haritu masa nak leave Madinah pun rasa sad. Now masa nak tinggalkan Mekkah pun sama. This one before balik kena buat tawaf wida’. Orang kata tawaf goodbye sbb kita dah nak tinggalkan Kaabah dan kota Mekkah. Insyaallah semoga ada rezeki untuk ke sini lagi. :) pagi tu lepas time solat subuh (the last one before flying back) sempat lah beli sikit lagi goodies utk bawak balik msia. Masa tu beg belum kemas lagi ye. :) balik tu breakfast and kena prepare ourselves utk tawaf wida’. The last tawaf. Tawaf sahaja. No need saie. Daddy and the kids take time to rest and nap. As for me. Iron iron baju, pastu start kemas2 beg mana yg boleh. Lipat lipat semua baju kotor. Nak kata masam peluh tu takde lah. Sbb weather kat sana dry. If kat msia, weather to humid. Panas dan lembab. So kat sana if peluh pun pastu kering je. Situ kalau peluh berlengas pastu if baju kering mesti masam & busuk. :) hehehehe.. almost done by 10 camtu. Pukul 11 kena keluar dah sebab nak target before solat zuhur yang masuk pukul 12.20pm camtu. Dan alhamdulillah kita dapat selesaikan tawaf wida’. Syarat lepas tawaf wida’. Takleh tangkap gambar, takleh beli barang, takleh bagi sedekah. I tangkap lah video and pics sikit2 before start tawaf. Tapi kan tawaf wida’ takyah niat ihram eventhough u pakai ihram. Ihram tu wajib pakai kalau nak masuk sampai depan kaabah :) for ladies, baju apa2 pun boleh. Asalkan tutup aurat. :) tawaf wida’ ni mesti buat sebelum pulang ke tempat asal. 

Alhamdulillah, all of us dapat pegang kaabah. Dapat tawaf half way pastu masuk waktu zuhur. We stopped kejap for aolat fardhu. And sambung balik. Lepas havis solat sunat tawaf, husband said jom kita pegi dekat kaabah. Try cuba pegang. And alhamdulillah dapat pegang kaabah. Right sebelah pintu kaabah. Auto nangis ye bila dapat pegang. Tak tau nak kata apa. Mcm speechless sangat. And thank you Allah for everything. Allah is great. Allah Maha Besar! Time type ni pun masih auto nangis sbb ingat moment tu. Betul2 dekat. :) dulu masa my first umrah dapat cium hajar aswad. 

Lepas tu balik hotel lunch and kemaskan diri sbb nak berangkag by 2pm towards Jeddah. Flying back to Malaysia in less than 24 hours. :(

Kat Jeddah - round2 kat bandar dia. Makan bakso and shawarma. Round2 kat tepi Laut Merah tu. And Jeddah pun cantik. Town dia pun busy.

3rd umrah

Alhamdulillah. The third and last umrah were completed with love from our group here. Tawaf completed dgn rasa yg sangat happy. :) despite of nangis nangis waktu time tawaf setiap round tu. Rasa cam sebak nya smp nangis ye.  Cuma masa saie 3rd round zayyan cakap nak pegi toilet sangat. Dah tak tahan. So we exited at 3rd round and go to toilet to bring him. Only zafran ikut ustaz habiskan saie and tunggu dkt tmpt tahalul. And alhamdulillah. Kitorang dpt jumpa balik the earlier team even though kita ada exit pergi toilet. Sambil baca doa sambil gunting rambut sikit. For the boyss eventhough no hair, ustaz lalukan pisau cukur dekat kepala masing2 tanda syarat dah keluar ihram :) alhamdulillah. Pastu masa nak balik hotel rasa mcm tak rasa kaki ye. Lenguh nye lah ye. Hehehe.  Semoga dijemput lagi ke sini Ya Allah :) inshaallah

Thursday, May 9, 2024


A trip to Taif sbb nak buat umrah lagi sekali. Not that far from Mekkah. Enjoying the sceneries. Orang cakap Taif ni mcm Cameron Highland kat Malaysia. Ada pokok-pokok. Bunga and dia colourful. And betul memang cantik :) kita visited mosques, pasar, beli food, fruits and onde-onde. Penuh tangan. Hehehehe:)

Lepas tu kitorang pun pegi kebun rose and minum coffee kat atas bukit tu :)

Gua hira - trip around mekkah

Husband is finishing his puasa sunat. Alhamdulillah he managed to complete it within syawal month. Mummy je sempat satu hari that day pastu tak sihat. 

Anyway, our trip this time is to gua hira. Ingatkan bukit tu reachable sekali i nk naik atas terus pancit ye. At one point tu rasa mcm tak cukup nafas ye. I was worried about husband sbb dia fasting. Sekali i yang tak larat. Hahahaha.. kids semua ikut ustaz sampai atas. Astaga. Doa yang baik2 je lah. Sebab dia punya pagar tepi tu halus je. And we all mmg tak nmpk langsung budak. Nampak mcm so small. Tapi lepas few steps we rest, dpt lah separuh lagi ke atas pastu dah. Tunggu je kat situ smp kids turun. Alhamdulillah they are ok. 

Pastu ustaz bring us to eat nasi bryani unta. Susah nak explain daging unta tu. Dia lembut. Tapi urat2 dia tu nampak obvious lah compared daging. Habis je makan. Alhamdulillah. :) kids enjoying the food as well.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Arrival at Mekkah

Alhamdulillah. We stayed for 6 days in Mekkah. Hotel was ok distance from masjidilharam. Alhamdulillah.. we took full board meals. :) we perform our first umrah around 1am. Tapi after tawaf, me and zara tersplit dgn hubby and boyss.. so we jalan sendiri saie sampai tahalul. Baru balik hotel for breakfast and resting. Kat mekkah ni orang lagi ramai compared to madinah. Yes.. mekkah is to perform rukun. Madinah is visiting Nabi Muhammad SAW. :)

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Leaving Madinah

It was the last morning or subuh in Madinah before we depart to Mekkah. Managed to perform subuh and zuhur prayer, took some photos inside among my fav masjid, pastu terasa sayu pulak nak leave. Inshaallah one day will come back. :)

For our journey to Mekkah, we took train from Madinah to Mekkah. Approximately 2.30 hours journey using Haramain Speed Train. It was 300km/h. Zafran cakap laju noo lah mummy. :)

Alhamdulillah. It went well. We reached our hotel like 6pm. Standby for dinner and waiting for the rest of the group members to arrive by bus before we go for our 1st umrah. :)