Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 3, 2024

Alhamdulillah 3rd day

Alhamdulillah the journey went well. It was such an amazing experience when we set foot here. New experience for husband and kids.  And for me slowly reminiscing some old memories when i was there 28 years ago. :) alhamdulillah. The kids coping well with the timing, the schedule, risau yang banyak2 before depart tu slowly release at ease. Keajaiban tanah suci. Gembira sangat hati ni. Rasa tu takleh nak explain sangat. Only smiles that i could show on my face. Alhamdulillah. :) 

2nd day woke up early for subuh at masjid nabawi. A bit cold tapi manageable. We no shower. Only berus gigi, cuci muka, clean up yg mana patut, take wudhu and off we go. The subuh is at 4.23am like that. So we woke up around 3.45 including kids semua so semua boleh solat subuh kat masjid nabi. And mmg awesome, the city memang terang benderang walaupun sebelum subuh. Alhamdulillah. :) 

Mostly second day we familiarise ourselves with timing, food and the area. From hotel to the mosque, mosque back to hotel. Food shop. Mall. Groceries. Souveniers shop. :)

The 3rd day baru ada trip. Ziarah dalaman di sekitar masjid nabawi. Weather dia panas tapi tak lengit and berlengas mcm kat msia ni. Banyak kisah sirah nabi area masjid ni. A good learning point for the kids as well. :)

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