Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 23, 2024

Alhamdulillah kids are recovering

Both zara & zafran. Recovering. Almost a week jugak. Starting from zara. Tekak tak best pastu demam plus headache. She recovering pastu zafran and myself. Alhamdulillah i feel much better today. Abang ada batuk sikit2 je tinggal lagi. Bought him the gula gula hacks. Speedy recovery chitom. Dut..dut..dudududut… hahahaha . Rhytm to alvin and the chipmunks. :)

Guess what, my mood this few days mcm ups and downs. Mcm malas nak layan dia. Better dia duduk diam2 go and do something else. :) 

Catching up with emily in paris season 4. Within 2 days dah habis ye. Hahaha.. kalo dulu even 5-6 episode boleh masuk sebulan lebih nak abiskan. Now boleh terus habiskan ye. :) on to the next movie.

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