Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008


i was looking for this cd. that day i put that cd on the computer's table. that was like mmmm wednesday eh.. pastu ingat tadi nak play. tgk takde plak atas meja ni. ni la bengang sket. dh tanye bob n farid. dua2 pun tak tau ke mana. ke.. i dh amik.. tapi takde la. i remember i left it on the table. hmm.. i got it for free kat ofis hari tu. all the ceos and cfos anf family n friends die nyanyi. nak gak dgr kan. hehehe.. macm syok aje la. oklah.. nak print tapi ink plak dh habis. aku nak dgr lagu la skang ni. kepala pun lapang. skang dh tak cry. tapi tgh sad la sket. =(

end of the month

hari ni i bangun lambat setelah berhappy happy semalam. hehhe.. should be kept as one of sweet memory n sin. hehe.. well.. you know la. btw, i smp ofis ard 10.30am. trus buat keje of closing acc. then, sepatutnye kena transfer dulu duit tu baru buat closure checklist tu. semua cam kelam kabut. so, buat la semua yg perlu. mmg tadi during lunch dh menangis. mmg menangis. pressure sgt. dgn ofis yg reorganize tu. macam hape je. pastu ntah la. sabar je la. i ni kan makan gaji. so i buat la ape keje yg i buat skang ni. i pun kengkadang tak paham. btw, i'm not in ceo's shoes. n i don kno what he is facing actually.

btw, got great news from him. KGE's bsn loan approved n they r allowing rm20k. alhamdulillah, semoga sentiasa murah rezeki. aminn... lps ni kena susun strategi yang btul for accts. i tanak sangkut sangkut. susah nanti. insya-Allah will do my best to help him establish the accounts.

esok i ae kursus kahwin. hee... experience in life. will let u know the story mory tomoro. or maybe after dah habis. baru syok sket kan. lalalala... baru lps nangis tadi. =(

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i'm tensed

aarrgghhh! tapi tu la.. take it easy..
go girl.. jgn nangis..

Friday, October 24, 2008

i'm lost

yep! that's right. i'm lost and dont really really really like this feelings i'm having at the moment for the past 3 hours. hopefully it should be lesser down when i'm on the way home. i'm currently at ofis finishing old jobs. tensi sgt. mmg tersangat la tensi. hmm.. tadi pun rs nak nangis tapi takleh sbb he said dont la cry. kak yan pun ckp jgn la cry. oklah... chiow chin chau...!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

updates in my life since monday

lamenye tak blog. this 3 days mmg quite hectic for me. ade time nak nangis. ade time happy. ade time syok. ade time bengang. ade time menyampah. macam2 ada! hahahaha. let me story.

monday-woke up ard 7.30am. terasa sgt la malas nak pegi keje. gayut kejap kat fon but he seems to be sleepy. guess so he is tired. then, while talking pun boleh terdoze off. bangun at 8 mandi2, breakfast sket then zoom gi keje. i ikut smart tunnel tapi masa kat subang, fullamak jam la. traffic so congested sbb biase la rakyat malaysia. yang nak belok kiri tu ade 2 lane. pastu orang suka take over sampai dh makan 2 lane yg nak trus. so yg nak trus ni tggl la satu or dua lane yang mmg confirm akan jam. lps je tu trus je smp la kluar kat exit tunnel kat time square. fullamak! cam syok la lalu dalam tunnel tu. admiring the design and the concrete. it's very useful to the citizen. especially during heavy downpour. wonder how when hujan lebat tunnel tu blh penuh and bile dh kering, air tu sumer pegi mane. hhmm.. pelik pelik ngan design+engineering of it. gitu gini, cari parking roughly ard 9.30 smp ofis. then gi beli breakfast. makan nasi lemak. start la buat keje aku. ade satu maturity for me that day. collection a/c. pastu call since 9.45am. at last bank ckp their system baru btul kul 10.45am. 1 hour. wonder y it took so long. the system blum up ke or the ppl yg tgh breakfast. pastu, do the necessary then it's time for lunch. i lunch ngan mus and shaquira. kat ofis i nye cafe. i makan nasi kukus ayam rempah. kenyang giler babe. we all gelak2 la while makan. bukak cite time belajar dulu2. kelakar. pastu cite towards future. weddinggs, plannings... ale biase la tu kn. pastu friday ni nak gi pasar kat blkang ofis tu ngan diorang. saje nak jalan2. tgk la kalo dh ade yg berkenan, maybe i trus amik je kot. hehehe.. maybe spare la dlm 3o bucks. hopefully it should b ok. my boss dh pindah tmpt. skang kat blkang we all. where he is supposed to be la. a lot of issues done n raised n myself a bit confusing with the restructuring thingy. hopefully n insya-Allah will manage. balik umah ard 7pm. smp roughly dlm 8 la. smp umah tgk sis n bros tgh kemas bilik we all. then, i kena recheck bag i. recheck recheck dh selsema. syian i kan. tapi takpe. bilik tu dh kemas sket. tak sure abis kemas kul brape. do some cleaning up then baca buku bout doa yang i beli that day kat popular. rasa tenang sgt bile praktikkan that dlm daily lives. if nak ikutkan hati, mmg la i ni kuat menangis. so baik tak payah pk tu semua. buat sakit hati, pening, bengang and might as well, baca buku. better, at least i've filled up some info n knowledge into myself.

tuesday-bangun lambat gak. memang malas lagi nak gi keje sbb dah tau nak kena stayback pasal tanco thingy yang tak tau smp ke bile kesudahannye. hhmm.. tawakkal je la. recon ni our team yg tgk tgk n dh bnyk figures we all tgk smp nak muak. tuesday ni i banyak gile meeting after lunch. i tapau je nasi goreng. satu nasi goreng and air sirap. lps tu start kul 3 ade meeting. boss suruh i hand-over part of mgmt acc jobs to kak bedah as she is officially in the companny. tapi alamak banyak cengkadak plak. ckp tak bleh la itu tak bleh. macam banyak sgt keje plak. i ni nnt nak kena handle clients. so hopefully it should be ok. tapi i'm kind of agreed with boss that she has to do most of the mgmt acc jobs tapi yg i worry tu orang kat ofis i ni suke sgt overwrite new jobs with the old one. i mean the softcopy. i prefer to have soft copy and hard copy at the same time. nak tgk formulas n sume yg related. towards the end of the meeting i dah pening. lps tu ade satu meeting lagi pasal retirement benefit on malakoff. masa kak siti explain, i cam masuk telinga kanan kluar telinga kiri. picit n urut bahu. ohh.. lupe highlight. i pakai sut brown hari ni. comel la sya. hehehe.. tapi jaket n skirt tone tu a bit diff coz the jaket is like slalu dipakai so dh pudar,. haha.. lantak la. pastu tu la lps meeting tu mintak panadol, sapu minyak kat leher then beli roti bakar 2 sets, makan dulu baru makan 2 biji panadol. slowly it relief. pastu boleh sambung tanco. as usual benda tu dh tak suka kan tapi kena la jgk try to suka so blh siap cpt. hopefully it can be done by this week. stayed back til 8.30pm. balik umah smp pun ard 10pm. mandi2 baring jap atas katil, main ngan fay the fairy then tido. wat i remember i called him tapi he pun tired so we wished each other b4 we went to sleep.

wednesday- today woke up quite early compared to 2 days ago. haha.. bangun pastu gosok baju. breakfast then gi keje. skang ni dh tuka keta ngan abah. skang cam kena isi minyak hari2 rm30. mmg la tak hbs tapi the next day morning farid send bob to skool that's why die dh tarik minyak kat situ. drive biase la jam kat hot spots. lps tu ok je. then jam balik towards ofis. smp b4 9. best. pastu hari ni murah rezeki n lapar tak ingat. i breakfast nasi lemak, lunch nasi lemak n nasi ayam. tea time syok sket sbb i makan roti jala, sandwich and fries. sbb i ade meeting kat monterez. i'm nervous at first. pastu bile dh hbs la.. ok la. takde ape sgt la. dlm meeting tu siap bod smoke, boleh bangun amik food. i prepared myself la. kot kot die tanye anything bout the accounts kan. tapi takde. dgr they cite psl golf clubs. macam2 la. i ngan hafizul pun tak faham. lucky tmpt dkt ngan umah. lps tu trus balik umah. smp pun tadi kul 8.30pm mandi2 then makan scott emulsion. n now here i am blogging. jap lagi nak tido dh. ngantuk. alhamdulillah this days dah habis. hoping for a better day tomorrow.

i'm missing someone here. dunno whether does he miss me too.. ?? dunno.. takpela kalo tak miss. i got my mr pinky and mr stripe. syok. nnt nak kapuk these 2 things. =) oman to understand woman and in the facts that does not actually happening. y? dunno..dunno.. hhmm... tak sabar nak ade babies. kalo twins.. camne..? alhamdulillah. murah rezeki. hehehe... shayang shangatt. pastu boleh main kejar2. baca story books. besh nye. =D

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

lunch @ ofis

that's wat i'm currently doing. while eating while blogging. i can log in to blog only during lunch time. not other time. i tgh sakit perut ni. tapi blum makan ape2 ubat lagi. wait til my perut tak tahan then only i baru makan. hehhe.. ade orang tu blog die tgh blank. dunno wat is he up to. juz wait la nnt. surprise eh. oklah chiow! btw, nak complain sket ni. system kat tmpt i kije wahhh...sungguh lembab dan membuatkan i nye keje jadi tak efisien. nyampah!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

faces of hubby

yangg.. i tgh try gune adobe families. tapi tak brape cantik sgt cam u punye tapi kire ok kan b. 1st trial. hehehe.. comel la die ni. nak kapuk bleh?

sesi mengemas

hari ni sampai umah.. mandi dulu sebab sempat lagi b4 maghrib. then pray maghrib, rest jap sambung isya' trus. rasa sungguh tenang dan lapang di hati ku ini. pastu sesi mengemas handbag yg berat giler. (apa la yg aku bawak sampai berat) tapi lepas buang2 semua kertas yang unnecessary, tau tak ape yg berat.... COINS POUCH. punye la banyak coins. skang ni tak gune syiling coz dh gune smart tag. takpela. maybe esok i try gune cash plak. at least boleh kurangkan sket isi kandungan beg yang bernama COINS POUCH itu. hehehe.. =)

syian hubby tension. die gi main game kejap. ckp nak huhahuha ngan kawan2. pressure ngan keje n surroundings (including me jgk kot) am trying best noy to peningkan kepala.

setelah mengemas dan sesi mengunyap cookies raya (choc chip) yang boleh tahan sedapnye (nyum! nyum!) i telah kumpul beberapa pics yg i nak gi print kat kedai. buat 4r la tapi kosnye nggak tau lagi. kena omonng same itu kedai dulu ya mbak. ape aku mengarut nih.. lalala.. tapi itu la hakikatnye.

skang.. project baru. tgh nak try. wish me luck. adik i takde plak nak tanye. isshh..takpe.. cube dulu pastu tak sure baru tanye.

talking bout my work. hmmm... lagi la. malas gue mau bicara. nanti la. tetibe bile dh balik terlupe pasal keje. maybe that's not my company that's y tak kesa sgt kot tapi wat if that company belongs to me. mampus kalo tak take part or knowledge of all the info in the company. insya-Allah hubby, honey will always pray for you. (love u so much)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

2 full days of eating

wahhh!! sangat betul. sangat kenyang. hehe.. gue makan banyak sangat dong. tapi takpe. gue dh nak tido. nanti gue sambung lagi ya dong.

good nite!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

raya raya

cute little angels

rayaing photos..

5 of us

with bobby

me family

dad & mum

kuih raya

with mum

grandparents & grandchildrens

panjang dh rambut

salam raya

Monday, October 6, 2008

monday off

i'm off today. applied for leave. at first went to settle my car. the light bulb okay. my sensor meter is short. need to be changed. the mechanic said the cost will be around rm200. hmm.. alamak cost lagi. pastu radio tak sempat survey sebab nak teman dearest hubby to get info on his loan. we went to 2 companies but it seems to be interested to the 2nd one. but the paperworks that need to be done first. a lot of it. i actually tgh pening kepala thinking bout this. especially in the accounts part. the latest mgt accts. woosshh... tadi ade rs pening kepala sket. pastu lps time mkn kurang sket. kesian hubby. i baru je take part of his burden then tu pun dh pening kepala. if i were to put myself in his shoes, i don think i can manage. if i can pun, maybe it will involve a lot of tears. bile pk2.. how and what can i do to help him ease the burden in himself. i tau i ni penyumbang to stress in himself. hmm... bile rasa camtu.. mula la i pk.. maybe i should not disturb him. taknak call la taknak msg la. pastu bile pk2 balik.. i shouldn't do that sbb by not informing wat i'm up to, nnt die dok terpk2 apela tunang die tgh buat tu kan. pastu haa..dh create satu stress kat situ. when i'm married with him, i nak hidup lama ngan die. i tak nak hidup sekejap je sebab we dah lama berkawan. n we dah go through many many things together [sometimes rasa cam isshh.. how strong his love on me]. i nak the life after marriage will be the sweetest memories in both our lives. nak deliver cute, healthy n smart babies for him. so these babies can call him "daddy".. ohh so sweet.. insya-Allah, praying for his long life and successness. after settling jobs, we spent some quality time together. =) big smile on the face. i miss him so much la. semalam i ckp kat die, when he is into bisnes, he seems to be bz. n i rasa time i dh kurang ngan die. he admitted that. i know he's doing all this for our future. must be banyak sabar2 je la. tapi tu la.. kadang2 hati ni tak nak paham.. tak nak paham.. paham takk... aarrgghhh! tension plak camni.. yannnggggg..... miss u la. nak kapuk lama2.. SO INTO U!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

eagle eye

today went for a movie at tgv. i think dh lame giler tak pegi tgk movie. few months.. maybe dh almost 6 months kot.btw, the show was nice. really enjoy myself. belanja hubby coz i dh planned it was present for his bday on 1st october (time raye ari tu)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

raya @ 2008

first of all, would like to wish those muslims selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin. i'm glad n very thankful that i am able to celebrate this wonderful ceremony together with my family. alhamdulillah.. first raya falls on hubby's birthday. wished him all the best to his future and may God bless him, murah rezeki and dipanjangkan umur.

let me story mory my raya celebration this year. after hubby sent me home from ofis, i changed and cleaned up. rest jap pastu tolong my mum to prepare stuff for rendang aka daging, blend bawang, serai, lengkuas, prepare the kerisik. then dlm kul 5 lebih kot i tertido smp la nak berbuka. pastu bangun cleaned up then berbuka. alhamdulillah sudah sebulan berpuasa dan akhirnya akan beraya la kita semua. malam tu kat tv dh banyak sgt program raya. smp tak sure nak tgk ape. then, nk tolong anyam ketupat. tak menjadi-jadi. bengang je. camne eh nak buat. yang terror buat tau la sape kan. abah ku. mum pun not bad. then i tido around 12 something to 1 am. baju raya langsung tak gosonk lagi. apsal la aku malas bebenor ni. then bangun esok pagi mum yang tolong gosokkan. hehehe... infact for everyone. dad's n brother's. mandi mandi then gi semayang raya. not that many people at masjid negeri. yang ramai nye orang indon la. they came with several buses. roughly ard 9.30am habis pastu balik rumah then makan. makan2 then time to beraya. sesi bermaaf-maafan. kasi duit raya. this time i cam sebak la. maybe this is the last raya for me to celebrate with family sbb lps ni maybe i dah berkahwin. n bile dh kahwin tak tau balik mane dulu. terpulang kat future husband nanti. the best place for a wife is to be at the husband's side. insya-Allah my dream is also to become isteri solehah. Aminn..

then lps beraya tu so damn sleepy. tido smp ard 3pm. kak yan came then gi jalan2 kat jusco with mum then minum kat oldtown white coffee. balik tu makan lagi. ketupat ngan kuah kacang yg ade ayam tu. then packing2, mandi nak beraya ke tempat lain plak. visit umah hubby dulu tapi tak banyak bergambar sebab sedara mara die sh smp. then we all pun rushing ke rumah kawan abah. kat umah hubby makan nasi beryani n putu mayam. so kenyang. pastu kat umah kawan abah pun makan nasi beryani. kenyang jgk. smp umah nenek ard 11.45pm. tgk tv then ard 12 something dh titon. ngantuk n letih sket.

2nd day raya, bangun kul 10.30am apala i ni. anak dara bangun lambat. siapkan baju my brother mandi then tunggu along dtg pastu sesi beraya ke rumah sedara. we convoi with ucu n andak. gi umah mak ngan, nek usu, tok cik and umah mak auntie ha. makan until sooooo kenyang. tak elok sungguh perangai ni. time puasa elok boleh tahan nafsu lapar & dahaga. time raya menyebat macam2. smp sakit perut. hahaha...padan muka. tu la..makan lagi macam2. air gas la, air nescafe la, air anggur la, and many more.. that nite, kemas2 around 10.30 gerak balik shah alam. sampai umah ard 11.30pm. ingat nak tgk tv tapi tak jadi. lepas cleaned up je trus tido.

3rd day raya, mula2 nak gi kampung abah tapi tak jadi sbb abah gi main golf dulu. so after friday prayer, pastu ngan hujan lagi we all beraya kat kj je. gi umah jiran lama, kawan mama n umah pak uda. gitu gini smp umah dlm kul 9pm. pastu ape lagi time for tv watching. wahh... syoknye. macam macam cite aku ngan farid tgk. smp ard 1 something. then ingat nak blogging tapi tak jadi plak. cam malas pun ade. then apelagi. amik camera tgk gambar yg we all snap time raya. pastu nnt nk transfer. cable ade dlam keta faiz marican. i think so la. mintak die carikan when he gets back from kampung.

talking bout him at kampung. he said he is supposed to balik on sunday ( esok la kan) ckp nak gi jb beraya kat umah mak mary. pastu today on the way to jb. then i call la time die on the way. mula2 ok pk logik tapi if kuar pagi takkan around 12 baru smp yong peng. cam tak logik.. then baru i tau die sebenarnye nak balik klang. hehehe... nak surprised kan i la tu. eleh..eleh... so chommell... *mmuuuaahhhh* tapi tak jadi sbb i managed to find out. hehehe.... anyway, thanks for alwiz having the thoughts to surprise me. love ya faiz marican.

today pun ingat nak gi kampung abah tapi tak jadi. pastu ade 3 families dtg beraya kat our house. penat sket la kat dapur tapi takpe. hati gembira.. yayaya... sbb hari raya.. tadi ade downloads few more lagu raya.. pastu ade try guna dobe group. tapi photoshop takleh gune. hmm.. sbb 3o grace period dh expired. so nk kena mintak farid belikan cd for all the software so boleh la i gune sumer... hehe.. cam syok plak. boleh gune sket2 software tu. i know it is going to be useful kan.

gambar raya nnt i upload ye. nk tunggu cable dulu. cousins pun tunggu gambar from me tapi sory cable takde ngan i. =)

..berlalulah sudah ramadhan..sebulan berpuasa...tibe syawal kita rayakan..dgn rasa gembira...anak muda di rantauan..semuanya pulang ke desa.. ibu dan ayah keriangan.. lalala...