Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 6, 2008

monday off

i'm off today. applied for leave. at first went to settle my car. the light bulb okay. my sensor meter is short. need to be changed. the mechanic said the cost will be around rm200. hmm.. alamak cost lagi. pastu radio tak sempat survey sebab nak teman dearest hubby to get info on his loan. we went to 2 companies but it seems to be interested to the 2nd one. but the paperworks that need to be done first. a lot of it. i actually tgh pening kepala thinking bout this. especially in the accounts part. the latest mgt accts. woosshh... tadi ade rs pening kepala sket. pastu lps time mkn kurang sket. kesian hubby. i baru je take part of his burden then tu pun dh pening kepala. if i were to put myself in his shoes, i don think i can manage. if i can pun, maybe it will involve a lot of tears. bile pk2.. how and what can i do to help him ease the burden in himself. i tau i ni penyumbang to stress in himself. hmm... bile rasa camtu.. mula la i pk.. maybe i should not disturb him. taknak call la taknak msg la. pastu bile pk2 balik.. i shouldn't do that sbb by not informing wat i'm up to, nnt die dok terpk2 apela tunang die tgh buat tu kan. pastu haa..dh create satu stress kat situ. when i'm married with him, i nak hidup lama ngan die. i tak nak hidup sekejap je sebab we dah lama berkawan. n we dah go through many many things together [sometimes rasa cam isshh.. how strong his love on me]. i nak the life after marriage will be the sweetest memories in both our lives. nak deliver cute, healthy n smart babies for him. so these babies can call him "daddy".. ohh so sweet.. insya-Allah, praying for his long life and successness. after settling jobs, we spent some quality time together. =) big smile on the face. i miss him so much la. semalam i ckp kat die, when he is into bisnes, he seems to be bz. n i rasa time i dh kurang ngan die. he admitted that. i know he's doing all this for our future. must be banyak sabar2 je la. tapi tu la.. kadang2 hati ni tak nak paham.. tak nak paham.. paham takk... aarrgghhh! tension plak camni.. yannnggggg..... miss u la. nak kapuk lama2.. SO INTO U!!

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