Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

end of the month

hari ni i bangun lambat setelah berhappy happy semalam. hehhe.. should be kept as one of sweet memory n sin. hehe.. well.. you know la. btw, i smp ofis ard 10.30am. trus buat keje of closing acc. then, sepatutnye kena transfer dulu duit tu baru buat closure checklist tu. semua cam kelam kabut. so, buat la semua yg perlu. mmg tadi during lunch dh menangis. mmg menangis. pressure sgt. dgn ofis yg reorganize tu. macam hape je. pastu ntah la. sabar je la. i ni kan makan gaji. so i buat la ape keje yg i buat skang ni. i pun kengkadang tak paham. btw, i'm not in ceo's shoes. n i don kno what he is facing actually.

btw, got great news from him. KGE's bsn loan approved n they r allowing rm20k. alhamdulillah, semoga sentiasa murah rezeki. aminn... lps ni kena susun strategi yang btul for accts. i tanak sangkut sangkut. susah nanti. insya-Allah will do my best to help him establish the accounts.

esok i ae kursus kahwin. hee... experience in life. will let u know the story mory tomoro. or maybe after dah habis. baru syok sket kan. lalalala... baru lps nangis tadi. =(

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