Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 3, 2009

december~ it is here already

beginning of d month is abah's bday. wished him thru sms. then he replied sumthing funny "abah mulai 1 dec ni dh jadi org awam" then i was like eh kitorang ni bukan orang awam ke?kitorang orang awam la tp diff nye kitorang keje tp tu je la. lain2 semua same. bukannye we all ni fall under category pemerintah. aishh..mcm2. then siap tanye lg takde hadiah ke?ucapan je?haha..kelako la bapak aku ni. sis pun said d same thing coz she also got d same sms as me. hehe.. talks bout new mth. now practically bz ngan month end kt sini. juz sumtimes wonder camne nk tuka attitude diorang ni. tak kumpul bnyk2 skali then post. nnt yg pening org yg receive nk check plak kan. 2day i ade termun wek2 wek2. kena baju kurung. dh cuci tp ade bau susu lagi. was a bit uncomfortable.

talking bout being emotional. i skang mmg tgh emo. malas nk layan semua org. i juz got things to say bout my husband. i know he is currently bz doing jobs finding extra $ for his wife n future kids tp kan sometimes he juz lost his attention to me. few times i terasa tp i bukannye ape. bukan nk lebih2. tp kdg2 tu a simple sms/call/email during day at work shud b sweet enuf. dh tau kn i ni pregnant. sumtimes tanye la i ok ke tak. muntah ke tak? dh mkn ke blum? hmm..maybe i am too emotional kn. n then calls i received fr him bnyknye worriedness. bukan la tak leh nk share ngan i. blh..i ni kn ur wife. tp smp i rs ade gud news or sumthing funny pun die tak cite kt i. might be tu diff kawan n wife kot. he is diff when at home n wif frens. sumtimes ade jgk wonder kenape dgn i bnyk diam je. tak suka i ke? pas2 nnt i kena marah. and i pun dh lame tak dgr die call/sms me sumthing sweet. bile i ckp kt die n ask he tried to make my qs funny. tp usually i tau bile tgh couple guy mmg camtu. so sweet. bile dh kawin tak sweet.ntah la. btul ke? kalo salah mesti kena hentam. biarla.. let it be. i malas nk layan. sumtimes being silence is better than anything. haishh.. sori 4 i am being too emotional.

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