Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 24, 2009


wow.. a month is almost over. and yet i havent really post anything in my blog which i love to do so for like these few months. expressing and writing sumthing wat i like most. well lets just continue. but here i want to state why do i dont have the time to actually blog. but nvm.. just proceed with my updates.

1st week of december

i was alone through the weekend coz my dearest husband went for a convention at jelebu. so on friday after work straight away went home to mum's. and besides the sad sad part..on that morning we went for the first check up for my baby in the tummy. i'm already at that particular moment 9 weeks 5 days. through out the scanning session, we can see the baby is moving about. wow how it is so miracle. God's creation. then ade worried part sket. tang my sugar level. a lil bit high and maybe ade kuman. so i kene pegi the next urine test scheduled the week after that.

2nd week of december

i was left alone again as this time hubby needs to go outstation. this time it is a lil bit longer. so i was left alone and sad. tapi tak tau la hubby i tu. maybe die suke kan pegi jauh2 from his wife. ntahla.. mengade2 feelings i ni. pastu talking bout the urine test.. haa... i was prescribed a type of medication sbb ade kuman. pastu kene minum banyak air kosong. at least 2 litre a day. wow that's quite a lot. tapi lame2 sampai skang dah bole minum la air kosong sket2. hehe...

3rd week onwards..

my beloved husband is at home.. we spend our time together. i sangat2 miss kat die. tak tau la die tapi katanye die miss i jgk. ntahla.. tapi i tau die miss i kan yang kan..

now i am on holiday. xmas holiday. hohohoho!!


owhh talking bout baby.. i am now 12 weeks already. wow cepatnye masa berjalan. dh dekat 3 bulan.


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