Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 16, 2010

welcome 2010!

alhamdulillah sekarang kite dh half month in the new year i mean its already 15th of the month. kejap je kan time goes by. sometimes bile i dok sengsorang i terflash back all things that had happened in my life and whew! banyaknye.. tears, joy, happiness, nervous, angriness..and on top of that i am very happy n excited with my life currently. i am still improving myself to become a great daughter, wife and soon mother *wink*wink* hehe.. i am now 15 weeks. n sometimes bile talking to my tummy and baby rasa cam tak percaya. the baby is the symbol of love between me n my beloved dearest hubby. i dunno y but my heart says i love him so much. bile i tgk die dh tido dulu.. i selalu stare at his face. kiss him on the face, kiss him on the hand, kiss him on his forehead.. i said thanks God for giving me an opportunity to live with this guy whom i love so much. n no doubt he is also in love with me. and please dont take him away from me. i will everyday pray for his longiness of life, sihat, and happy. n now die tgh sgt bz wat extra job nk earn extra money. die skang kat bawah tgh wat design something which i agree is quite challenging coz for me with no designing background i said it's hard but him with also knowledge also thought it's hard. well... wishing him all the best and gud luck to complete his job.

i tgh main farmville and cafeworld kat facebook ni. dh lame tak online. dh terlupa camne nak main. hehe.. blog i pun dh lame tak update. well.. okayla.. just nak wish HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 and may the year brings a great future ahead. and semoga baby dalam perut i ni membesar dgn sihat dan cukup sifat dan semoga i selamat dan mudah time nak deliver baby nanti. insya-Allah.

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