Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 24, 2010


time passes by so fast and now it is towards end of january 2010 already. roughly i got like 5 more months to go b4 delivering my beloved baby. always n keep on praying that everything will goes on smoothly. insya-Allah.

my father in law was admitted last monday due to heart attack. lucky my bros in law quite fast. but can u imagine the heavy traffic in the morning that they have to go through in order to reach hospital. tapi alhamdulillah sekarang he is getting better. juz a lil bit worried coz hubby said he looked at apak not breathing normally i mean he is a bit tired. tapi praying that everything will goes on smoothly. insya-Allah.

now i baru lepas mandi petang. i mean the last mandi for the day la. today the day was pretty hot. so bile mandi i sejuk tadi rasanye wow segarnye.. tapi kene la lawan sket sejuk nye feelings tu. heheh.. tapi i rasa sgt best.

okaylah. nak siap2 nak gi jalan. tata for now!!

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