Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

breasts pump

i'm currently using avent manual pump. thought of getting an electric one. based on recommendation by few frens, they said medela is the best of all. dh survey tmpt and pricing. nnt nk dkt naik keje nk beli la. tapi single pumping je la. price dlm rm460. mmg that' d market price. nnt i update lagi ye. nk gi toilet jap. chiow!

30 days of baby zafran

today alhamdulillah baby i dh 30 hari. meaning die dh sebulan. kejap je time flies. and kengkadang bile terpk i ade rs sad sbb time cuti dh nak habes. meaning i have to be separated from my lil precious one ~zafran aka chitom~ ohh..lupe nk ckp. baby pun ade name lain. chitom. mane chitom mummy! i nyanyi kat die fe times the same tone. everyday. pastu bile die tgk muke mummy die alaa..la..la.. rasa nk nangis sebak n terharu. my mind takde pk benda lain. chitom..chitom..chitom..chitom..sayang die sangat. praying that he'll become a success person one day. seiring ngan name die. zafran ~meaning : kejayaan~ love him the most. kalo bole nk duduk tepi die tgk die tido. maen ngan die. kiss die. kapuk die. doing nothing. juz watching him buat hati i sangat gembira. makan lambat pun takpe. tapi bile pk balik. die dh la breastfeed so i takleh let my tummy masuk angin. nnt die kembung. cian baby i. kno wat. that day kuar gi beli barang die dlm 1 hour pastu hati dh mula rasa rindu kat chitom. thanx to current technology. bole snap gambar gune hp pastu bole tgk balek. hhmm.. takleh nak jauh ngan die. ngan hubby i bole tapi not baby. ooppss.. kalo hubby baca nnt die merajuk. takdela.. 2 due pun i nak dekat di hati dan dekat di mata. =)

last friday i kene bengkak susu balek. milk taknak kuar. sakit tau. last my mum in law sapu daun pucuk ubi then towards ptg alhamdulillah milk dh kuar balik. i pump sket. to ladies out there, it is dangerous tau kalo kene bengkak susu ni. bole demam di buatnye. weekend tu my sis in law bwk electric pump. i pun start la gune. much more convenient. juz now i kene wat timetable when to pump my breasts. ape i buat skang, i pump to keep stock time i keje then bile chitom nk milk i breast feed die. tapi alhamdulillah die bole jgk hisap susu from bottle. kene train kalo tak nnt nk gi keje die tak nak minum.

haa..another stori mori to share. that day was trying to change chitom to his baju tido. then tgh tuka die nangis smp takde suara kuar. i dh mula panic. ade rasa nk nangis dh i ni. pas2 mum in law ckp kalo baby nangis kite jgn panic. nnt die bole feel yg kite tgh panic. hmm.. ade logic. so i kene la belajar tenang-tenangkan diri. hehehe... teringat ckp mus.. "aku rasa nnt kalo ko ade anak, bile anak ko nangis ko pun nangis same" hahaha.. almost true mus. nnt aku call ko. nak update cite aku kat ko. hehehe.. funny.. takpe.. tu sume experience very valuable which i cant get anywhere.

skang..i nk cari brg baby sket2 online. yg kendong tu pun nak satu. haa.. tgk chitom menggeliat alahai.. tomeinye.. pipi dh la macam donut. poksu die ckp mcm pau. geram. rasa nk gigit. tu pun dh kene mamam ngan i. haha.. pipi..dagu. cayang die sgt. love him the most. *muuaahh*

to baby zafran aka chitom --> mummy will alwiz pray for ur healthiness and successfullness. semoga dipanjangkan umur dan murah rezeki. Aminn.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

delivery of baby zafran

alhamdulillah tanggal 28th june 2010, saye telah selamat melahirkan seorang bayi lelaki comel seberat 3.4kg pada pukul 11.30 pagi. bayi itu telah diberi nama Muhamad Zafran Marican bin Muhamad Faiz Marican. pada mulanye pagi itu saye ingatkan baru nk kemas2 beg nak bawak gi hospital tp time husband tgh mandi my water bag broke. banyaknye cam orang shi2. husband suruh jgn panik. pack2 ape brg yg patut then trus gi hospital. tapi sempat breakfast dulu. makan roti, minum milo, makan nasi goreng baru masuk ward. tapi by 10 am like that takde rasa contraction ape, then doctor ckp baby dh e'ek. so kena la go for ceasarian. i was like sad in the first place. tp husband ckp yg penting both selamat. hmm.. bile pk2 okaylah. think positive so within 30 minutes dh ready to OT then experience tu tuhan je yang tau. walaupun ceasar, ade jgk terasa ngilu and sakit perut kene tekan. tapi alhamdulillah semuanye goes on well. lps baby kuar i punye la lapar. tp doc ckp dlm 2 jam br leh mkn. pas2 mum-in-law dtg bwk bubur. so my first meal is bubur n ikan bilis. pastu kenyang. minum milo. i was on bius so tak terasa sakit sgt. smp la next day. time nk shi2. haduih..nk bangun tu punye la sakit. mmg kene depend on nurse and hubby time tu coz takde daya langsung nk bgn sendiri. thanx to my hubby sebab menjaga saye dgn prihatin. love u so much! i duk kt hospital for 2 nites. sbb tak rasa confident ngan diri sendiri lagi. bile dh balik umah... bermula la episod berpantangku. d first 3 weeks kat umah mum and now i kat umah mertua. gilir2. bagi dua2 nenek rest kejap. well, got more to update sbb bnyk benda nk share lagi.

to everyone..thnx for the wishes.
to husband..thnx again. cant do it without ur support & love.
to both mums..thnx for caring me & baby dlm pantang.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


welll... more stories to be update soon. sbb jeng2 jeng2 jeng2. hehe..

1st of all alhamdulillah syukur

til the next post

selamat sore!

wait nk tambah today 07.07 --> husband's fav no..