Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

delivery of baby zafran

alhamdulillah tanggal 28th june 2010, saye telah selamat melahirkan seorang bayi lelaki comel seberat 3.4kg pada pukul 11.30 pagi. bayi itu telah diberi nama Muhamad Zafran Marican bin Muhamad Faiz Marican. pada mulanye pagi itu saye ingatkan baru nk kemas2 beg nak bawak gi hospital tp time husband tgh mandi my water bag broke. banyaknye cam orang shi2. husband suruh jgn panik. pack2 ape brg yg patut then trus gi hospital. tapi sempat breakfast dulu. makan roti, minum milo, makan nasi goreng baru masuk ward. tapi by 10 am like that takde rasa contraction ape, then doctor ckp baby dh e'ek. so kena la go for ceasarian. i was like sad in the first place. tp husband ckp yg penting both selamat. hmm.. bile pk2 okaylah. think positive so within 30 minutes dh ready to OT then experience tu tuhan je yang tau. walaupun ceasar, ade jgk terasa ngilu and sakit perut kene tekan. tapi alhamdulillah semuanye goes on well. lps baby kuar i punye la lapar. tp doc ckp dlm 2 jam br leh mkn. pas2 mum-in-law dtg bwk bubur. so my first meal is bubur n ikan bilis. pastu kenyang. minum milo. i was on bius so tak terasa sakit sgt. smp la next day. time nk shi2. haduih..nk bangun tu punye la sakit. mmg kene depend on nurse and hubby time tu coz takde daya langsung nk bgn sendiri. thanx to my hubby sebab menjaga saye dgn prihatin. love u so much! i duk kt hospital for 2 nites. sbb tak rasa confident ngan diri sendiri lagi. bile dh balik umah... bermula la episod berpantangku. d first 3 weeks kat umah mum and now i kat umah mertua. gilir2. bagi dua2 nenek rest kejap. well, got more to update sbb bnyk benda nk share lagi.

to everyone..thnx for the wishes.
to husband..thnx again. cant do it without ur support & love.
to both mums..thnx for caring me & baby dlm pantang.

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