Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR! me, chitom n daddy went to see bunga api in klng only. lepak2 kedai makan then wow cantek itu bunga api. balik umah around 2am. masuk2 senyap2. takut kena marah with parent in law. huhu. tapi i kena keje during tis time. year end closing la. huhu.. takpela.. once a year je. pastu mana kena dtg weekend lagi. yaay! bertungkus lumus menyiapkn keje saya.tapi enuf bout kerja. today prince of my heart aka zafran dh officially start mamam. intro to first solid food is biskut farley's. hahaha.. happy mummy dpt suap die mamam. die seems to be liking the food. air suam pun pandai minum. we intro half biscuit je dulu. nnt bole increase his consuming slowly la. bit by bit. comel. nnt i post gambar die tgh eat ok. love u honeyz..!

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