Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 17, 2011

monday leave

im on leave tomoro. hehe.. tp pagi nk bwk chitom pegi injection dulu. supposed hari ni tapi doctor yg we slalu jumpe tu takde. die esok pagi. so we plan to cancel la. cian chitom mummy. baby saya dah besar tau. dh nak masuk 10 months. i am so happy with him around. kalo die takde mesti life i kosong. *wink*wink apakah itu. syg die sgt. he is my darling. look at his latest photo. cute kan. rs nk gigit je pipi yg gebu tu. pastu tgk 1st pic tu. mulut siap kompot lagi. mcm nk ejek mummy die. semoga die membesar ngan sihat dan cergas dan manjadi anak yg soleh. amin..~

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