Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


setelah sebulan from d last date of posted post. huhu.. well now i'm on d bed wif my beloved son while doing a must job. husband saya pegi ber'golfing' katanye. kalo die tipu suka hati die la. die dh besa, bole pk mane elok mane tak. yang penting skang tak perlu rasa rasa yang unnecessary sbb itu semua buang masa. menyampah n i tak suke. i br balik makan pizza tadi.. tetibe teringat nak eat one. tapi anak saya dh merengek-rengek takmo duk diam. so saya n husband mkn cpt2 and lucky kita order pizza je. takde additional soup or garlic bread or chicken wings. maybe lps ni kena tapau je and eat at home. kalo tak cian machitom saya. mesti dia tak selesa. the last week and this week we kat umah mak saya. by this weekend balik to in-law's house. segan la i. btw mata i dh tangkap syok looking at bajus and bags online. thought of nk grab satu. tgk la nnt. bile pk y not kan beli satu. k la dh ngantuk. ta...

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