Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

so many things to think n read

alamak... bnyknye nak kena survey ni.


~ home sweet home ~

~ ldc ~

~ work ~

insyaAllah.. buat satu2 n slow2. yang mane boleh dulu dahulukan yg tu dulu.

never felt like so busy and headache like now. hubby cepat balik sbb got so many things to discuss.. huhu!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

thursday dah

cepat kan masa berlalu. tapi i lagi cepat. ingat hari ni dh friday. hehehe... nway tadi i lunch kat kenny rogers. tersangat la kenyang. and ice lemon tea tu.. mmg tak dpt dinafikan.. sedap kan tapi sebab dh kenyang so tak lah dihabiskan. food as usual 1/4 chicken with 3 side dishes. lalala...

talking bout hubby plak. die sgt happy sbb hari ni it's a wrap for his prius training. well, wishing him all the best lah.. die balik today jgk tapi dunno wat time sbb die ckp car carrier tu smp nilai about 7pm. guess so maybe 11 or 12 at nite. might be time die blk i dh tido. hehehe..

chitom yang chommel.. asik nak berdukung je. bile nk letak.. kontot kaki n nangis ekkkk... gigit pipi kang baru tau.

k la.. i tgh nak kemas2 ni. jap gi nak balik. chiow!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

e eh..

mummy's baby in tummy left like 124 more days to go. hehehe... nervous nye saya. hehehe.. well last weekend ikut husband saya pg nilai. naik prius C. and ade chance drive that car. nervous ok. takut tersalah picit or pijak car yang smart tu. we stayed there for 2 nites. hotel not bad boleh tahan. nice view tapi i tell u the pool not suitable. mmg not suitable sgt sbb lps pg swimiing our bodies kena gatal2. n my husband dh kuar bintat2. i since duduk je. bnyk kat kaki je la. lucky zafran takde sgt. cpt2 masuk room mandi n sabun bnyk2 nak hilangkan gatal tu. pastu i n husband sapu vicks kat bintat tu. n zafran husband lumur lotion n bedak. hisshh.. might be pool die kotor la. next time kalo pg sane lagi tanak mandi kat pool die.

well, here are some of the photos taken there. enjoy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

hhmm....mummy's instinct

ntahla.. dh 2 hari anak i bgn tido time subuh. yesterday i pk maybe sbb the nite b4 tu die tido awal. dlm kul 930mlm. tp mlm tadi i lewat kan sket. dlm almost 11mlm br die tido tau. hmm.. ke is it that he missed his daydeh? tgk pic sebelah ni? hehe.. ye la kot. takpela chitom. tonite daydeh blk. nnt kita gi jln2 ngan daydeh ok. love u two a lot.. XOXOXOXO!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

my son

u see the image on my left. and my beloved son. u know what is the relation between these two. well, so chommel of my son. pagi tadi bgn tido awal. kul 6.15am. then while i tgh mandi knock knock on mummy's door. open d door n saw him smiling with puting kat mulut and bantal busuk on d other hand. nak masuk bilik air mandi sama mummy. n i was like eh ni subuh laa.. ape nk mandi pepagi ni. si chitom ni. i suruh kuar die marah. i angkat die masuk balik. last2 die duduk kat stool dlm bilik air. hbs baju n sluar sume basah. so once i'm done, amik die, lap2. tuka pampers and baju sumer while i bersiap2. sementara tu la die jumpa biskut oreo dlm bag i and he took it to atok's room to ask atok to open the biskut. then, die pun mamam la biskut tu. smp hbs. bukan ape. biskut tu kan ade cream. chommel chommel. :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2nd trip of the year

Morning! Juz had our bfast. Heading north this time. Penang.. May we have a safe journey n selamat smp ke destinasi.

Friday, February 3, 2012

kinda missing my home

Rs nk blk mum's house tp tak berkesempatan. Bukan tak nk balik after work straight tp i nk bwk zafran blk skali. Hmm.. Tak tau nk explain camne tp rs nk cry tu sgt tnggi. Takpelaa.. Nnt ade time i blk la. Kalo zafran tak dpt ikut takpela.. Biar i blk sorang je..

geram tak tgk shaye?

my name is zafran.. my mummy call me jafyann or chitom.. my daydeh call me abang or bucuk.. love my family very much!

bday abg shafeeq

look how cheeky he was. with the hat on his head and trying to chew mummy's hp pouch.

more of zafran

tgk la pic die ni.. recent one masa cuti hari wilayah tu. die dh la bgn 6.30am. like nak pegi keja. daydeh puntak bangun lagi. so lps daydeh gi work, bagi milk then ape lagi tido la balik smp ternganga busyuk mummy. commel.. i pun tido sebelah. hehehe.. pastu the week before tu die demam. tak nak makan bfast. ngengada... gigit kang. tutup je mulut.. n pastu bile last weekend dh sihat sket. mummy ajak bfast kat elango. n kemain lagi die nk drive. perasan.. hehehe..watever it is. love him!