Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 9, 2012

my son

u see the image on my left. and my beloved son. u know what is the relation between these two. well, so chommel of my son. pagi tadi bgn tido awal. kul 6.15am. then while i tgh mandi knock knock on mummy's door. open d door n saw him smiling with puting kat mulut and bantal busuk on d other hand. nak masuk bilik air mandi sama mummy. n i was like eh ni subuh laa.. ape nk mandi pepagi ni. si chitom ni. i suruh kuar die marah. i angkat die masuk balik. last2 die duduk kat stool dlm bilik air. hbs baju n sluar sume basah. so once i'm done, amik die, lap2. tuka pampers and baju sumer while i bersiap2. sementara tu la die jumpa biskut oreo dlm bag i and he took it to atok's room to ask atok to open the biskut. then, die pun mamam la biskut tu. smp hbs. bukan ape. biskut tu kan ade cream. chommel chommel. :)

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