Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

e eh..

mummy's baby in tummy left like 124 more days to go. hehehe... nervous nye saya. hehehe.. well last weekend ikut husband saya pg nilai. naik prius C. and ade chance drive that car. nervous ok. takut tersalah picit or pijak car yang smart tu. we stayed there for 2 nites. hotel not bad boleh tahan. nice view tapi i tell u the pool not suitable. mmg not suitable sgt sbb lps pg swimiing our bodies kena gatal2. n my husband dh kuar bintat2. i since duduk je. bnyk kat kaki je la. lucky zafran takde sgt. cpt2 masuk room mandi n sabun bnyk2 nak hilangkan gatal tu. pastu i n husband sapu vicks kat bintat tu. n zafran husband lumur lotion n bedak. hisshh.. might be pool die kotor la. next time kalo pg sane lagi tanak mandi kat pool die.

well, here are some of the photos taken there. enjoy!

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