Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

31 december 2013

Few more hours before we leave 2013. 
So many things to recap...
Splendid year 2013..

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Mid of d month

Yeah!!! 15 more days to new month n new year. More things for me to achieve..

Both my kids recovering...

Hubby just got back from outstation...

Monday, December 2, 2013

It's been quite sometime since i last update

Already move office which i dont really like it. More work of course. How la... Still looking for other jobs. This week is the second week i try public transport. Entahlah. Cam malas nak stuck dlm jam. And if tanak jam kena blk lambat. Boooorrriiiinnggggg!!,!,!

Daddy off to jb for a week. Missing him.

Anak2 baru recover from hfm. Risau mummy..

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2 more days before i'm leaving the centre

Packing n packing things to move to a new office location. Which is further than current one but near lrt. Rs mmg malas nak pindah tp camne nk buat. Kita layan kan je la. At the same time keep on applying for new jobs.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy birthday to mummy!

Alhamdulillah.. This year makes me to enter the 3-series.. Hahahaha.. Semoga panjang umurr n murah rezeki.. N mummy wish my kids grow up well n jadi anak yg soleh dan solehah. Love u too!
To daddy.. Thanx for loving me n taking care of me n family..

H a p p y.  B i r t h d a y.    

Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome Happy November

Omg... Tggl lg 60 days b4 tahun baru 2014. This year pun setakat ni bnyk benda berlaku.. Huhu.. Esok nk blk segamat. To be update lagi..

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mummmy presssuree....


Eventhough lots of activities done with my family, i tgh pressure n stress bout work. 

Nk pindah keje cpt. :(

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Learning to cook beriyani gam

Huishh.. Quite interesting. Quite challenging tp itu lah dia. Tp if dh biasa blh lah masak sdiri kan? Dh mandi, dah kenyang.. Daddy ckp apa lagi? Tido lah... Hahaha...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

S.e.l.a.m.a.t H.a.r.i R.a.y.a A.i.d.i.l.a.d.h.a

Another short outing with my lovelies....

Haa... Arini ada wedding daddy's good fwen. Lps tu dia buat surprise trus pg melaka. We reach there time senja tp hujan. So tak dpt nk jln2 sgt. But the traffic omg. Mcm kl k. Daddy bwk pg jonker street nk beli air teh n coffee. Layan k coffee dia... Pastu dinner at asam pedas claypot. Sedapnye... Nyum..nyum... :) alhamdulillah. Blk tu semua pun bleep. Including myself. Haha... Reach house like almost 11pm. Daddy drive tak laju sbb hujan lg. jln licin. Smp umah anak2 comel ku tido keletihan i guess... Tp i guess they r happy like their mummytoo.. :) thanx daddy! Love ya!

Monday, October 14, 2013

2nd holiday at johor bahru

Really enjoying our 2nd time there. This time we stayed at another place. Lotus desaru. Then soo many activities here which i feel like coming back here again. But of course the 2nd time to hello kitty house. My kids really enjoy themselves there. 

Daddy... Nak pg lagi!

I feel touched

Recently my feelings are unstable. Many things in my head.

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 2013

Lai..lai..lai... It's september already. Raya pun dh hbs. Nak dkt raya haji dh. Anyway, fyi my screen ipad dh retak sket. Abam terlepas. :( 

Anak i dua dua tgh tak sihat. Risau i. Hopefully n insyaallah cpt sembuh. Mummy risau. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Photos during raya

2 weeks after raya...

So fast, dah 18 syawal already. Finishing raya mood soon. Everybody started working already. Including myself. Tp after raya we all sume tak sihat. Flu, demam, sore throat, coughing n headache. N alhamdulillah everyoneis starting to recover soon. 

My son nk sleep dah. Tbc later..

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & happy anniversary!

Alhamdulillah...dah raya!

Alhamdulillah.. We have been married for 4 years..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bunga api time

Yaay... My fav time. Here's some photos...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Raya shopping

We bought this for zafran. He seems to be liking it so much.. Chommel anak mummy pakai ni. Love u so much..

Monday, July 15, 2013

So many things to say tp cam tak payah nak ckp..

Kengkadang bila pk bnyk benda nk ckp but when i think of it mcm tak blh nak share ngan sape2. Mcm eh btol ke nk ckp. Takut ishh ape i ni..  Dah la mls nk pk. I tgh pressure psl keje ni. Plss helppp me..

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1st ramadhan

Alhamdulillah... Dah smp 1st ramadhan. Mudah2an dpt puasa nnt. Love eveybody. I tgh fed up ngan work ni sebenarnya... Tgh nk apply keje tmpt lain.

Monday, July 8, 2013

7th july

Today, daliya zara is 13 months. Cpt je kan time jln. Sket hari lagi adik pun dh big. Abg dh big jgk. Pastu mummmy nk fren ngan sape? Hehehe.... Mummy sad plk. Haha.. Like d song "always look on d bright side of life".

Fasting month is coming soon. Mudah2an dpt menunaikan ibadah ini dgn sihat. Aminn..

More of LDC. More to update. Pening la.

A quick holiday at terengganu

Never thought we'll go for d holiday. At first cam risau sbb abam tak sihat. Flu. Then husband said takpelah.. Just go. Change view. So ok lah. Journey bout 6 hours. Smp hotel around 6.45pm. Ni dh mandi nk siap2 gi dinner.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bday to a close friend..

Happy birthday muss.....

Bila blh lepak ngan mus ni...

Lama dh rasanya tak jumpa..

Monday, July 1, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sayang ku....

Zafran's 3rd birthday

Happy birthday abam.. Happy birthday abam.. Happy birthday to abam.. Happy birthday abam!! Alhamdulillah. Abam dah 3 today. Semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki. Semoga menjadi seorang anak yg soleh, mendengar kata, rajin, baik hati,.. N more . Semoga anak2 mummy berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Love u lots.. Muahh..muahh..

P/s: dah big dah zafran. Tp still nk dutum.. Hehe..

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

1st customer for LDC

Alhamdulillah. Meet the target for this month. Lps ni target satu jgk la for bulan july. I pun actually dh risau sbb bulan june ni nak hbs dah. Tp i still blom dpt satu sale. Tp last sunday tetiba ada good news. Syoknye. Hehehehe.. Alhamdulillah. Thanx to hubby. For his support. Love u as always.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Health talk at rhb bangi

Here am i. Supposed ms ho join tp she need to cover kak maziah for a meeting. So i sorang lah. Takpelah.. Then i did some health test. Sume normal except lung test. Kurang oksigen dlm badan. So suggestion is to have some form of exercise to improve that.

Bp 105/69
Glucose 4.2
Bmi 19.3
Lung 350 out of 404

Friday, June 7, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Look who is in d room?

Alaa.. Shoe adik tiada dlm ipad. Nnt i trf k. Hehe.. :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pre-launch of LDC

Dah launch. Official page dh siap. Hihi.. Wish me luck. Thanx hubby for all d support.. :)

Welcome june

Muka muka happy. Hihihi...

Daddy ni tgh syok la lagu firman syah ke ape tu.. Haha..

Friday, May 31, 2013

Some add ons for myself

1. LDC

2. Health - workouts
- food
- check ups

3. Hair

4. Facial

5. Manicure n pedicure

6. Spa


Another end of month. Here at office. Juz had my lunch. Nasi putih, ayam msk merah, tempe n kentang berlada kicap. Costs me around rm5. Alhamdulillah dah kenyang. Dh nk masuk half rear of 2013. Bnyk benda unsettle. Let me put up here.

In d middle of merging. So more work of course. N few discussions need to attend. At the same time, moving to a new place n how am i going to commute to work makes me dilemma. At the same time i tgh cr keje baru. Updating resume. Wish me luck. If ada rezeki then i'll try for it lah.

Dah update blog. Bought few items already. Update in mudah. Juz nk wat page kt facebook. Ni paling risau sbb my target nak stop working by next year or early 2015. How? How? Can i make it or not, risau la. Sometimes rs mcm arrghh nak nangis. :( tp cekalkan n tabahkan hati. INSYAALLAH boleh berjaya. Must keep on doing doing n doing.

To abam n adik
Mummy love u. Will try my best to fulfill the needs.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My SIL is in labour

Wish her all d best for 3rd baby. It's a boy. Well, just teringat on d day of delivery of my son n daughter. Still can remember but cant remember d pain. :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Jaya can stand already

Looked at her in d baby cot. Kemain eksen since dh boleh stand by her own. Abam dulu lebey kurang same age jgk. Si chommel. Last saturday my in-laws dh blk from umrah. Alhamdulillah. Cuma MIL not feeling that well. Batuk. We got jubah as a gift. N of course d kurma, air zam zam, kacangs n raisins. Masya allah. How my hubby said he also want to go there insya allah. Dia target in 2 years time. Mudah mudahan murah rezeki. Boleh pg skali kan. I went already. That time when i wasat age around 12 13 camtu.time tu lain. Tak cam skarang. Reaaly adore d view n u know tu tmpt pengumpulan org islam in d whole world. As hubby said see..how great the marketing of nabi

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Malas nk ckp bnyk. Biar i sorang je tau. Senang. Mum, wish could share with u. But this is life. I must swallow n go through all. Insya allah.u m ,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Langkawi~here i come...

Alhamdulillah.. We have safely arrived here at langkawi. Our flight is at 830am. We all pun lmbt sbb taxi driver sesat plk.. Anywaysss.. Dh smp pun. Abam n adik so excited.. Love them both. Thanx to daddy too. Tadi take nap dlm car. We rented vios. Cantek la. Now kt hotel. Rest kan diri. Jap lg nk gi jln2. Owh hotel saya Meritus. Insya allah n hope it will be apleasant holiday for us. Here r some photos.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Another week come again

Beginning of new week. I think i'm kind of late. Sbb br bgn. A bit tired la yesterday. Hadoii.. Y arr? Tbc..

At hilton. Training. Br lps lunch..

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday again

Yoohoo...skrang dh friday. Happy. Done with ofis work. Now i got more important work to do. Oh my LDC. Pls...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WXP 5757

Hahahahahahaha... My plat number tercabut. Only notice it when i reached my office. Wonder where dia tercabut. Sian mummy.kelam kabut jadinye. Hahaha.. Sebbaik mummy tak cry. Apa lagi. Call la hubby. Dia pun neves gak tadi. Sorreee... Skang dah ok. Stop by at sek 7 accessories shop buat plat number baru. Rm15 je. Dah lega sket. Alhamdulillah.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Little saturday

At home. No plans yet. Juz nak send baju kat kedai kakak depan. That's all. Adik n bam juz finish bfast. I nk continue mamam nasi lemak plak.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy tuesday

Morning u olls! Mummy nk gi work dah. Seeing my bubbly son n daughter sleeping. Alaa.. Tomei tomei. Love u as always. N to daddy.. Mummy started missing u already.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Yoohoo.. Dah friday

Yaay! End of d week already. Syoknye. Esok nk gi jln2.

Monday, April 1, 2013

1st april 2013

Happy april fool's day!

Dulu2 kt skola slalu la kena. Now tak dh. Even dah lupa pun psl tu. hihi.. Dah grown ups. Haha.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Most numbers on top = 3

Last day of d month. Last day of quarter 1 2013. My ldc done updating. Now marketing kena kaw2 jalan. Wish me luck.


Bam n adik dah sleep. Love u babies!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Having lunch now

It's friday. Hubby is back. Yaay! Rindu dia. Tomoro he is leaving again.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy monday

Came to work damn early. Had a nice breakfast, had a nice start of work, had a comels lunch, had a nice ending work, playing with son n daughter. Love u lots. Muahh.. Muahh..

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lovelies... Mummy nk gi work dah.

How i wish i cud be at home. Missing my hubby, missing my son, missing my daughter. Missing everybody. Sumtimes juz feel like crying but no tears would run down from my eyes.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend at tokmak's house

Look at adik with her red dress. Bam jan jan..dah lama tak balik umah tokmak. Hehehehe..

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Zara is 9 today

Alhamdulillah. Dah 9 months dah busyuk mummy ni. Dah pandai shebel2. Hehe. Love u darl.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Love u.. Miss u..

That's wat i can say. My hubby dunno.. ;( nk emo la. Hua hua hua..

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

We all tak sihat

Semoga bam n lala cpt sembuh. Me n daddy pun batuk n flu. :(

Both dah shotak

Right after kenduri next day, hubby shotak kan cuties mummy. Look at them now. Hehe.. So cute.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Zara cukur jambul

Alhamdulillah. On d 10th feb zara's kenduri dah selamat dijalankan together wif abg's doa selamat. Some photos to share.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A holiday with my family

Dah lama rasanya tak pegi holiday with my sweet little family. Me, zafran, zara n husband. Actually early of d year ada thought nak pg langkawi pastu husband diam je coz i guess his schedule is not d right timing for us to go. So i diamkan je la. Bcoz wheni yg ye ye nak pg and if he takde feel nak pg so last2 mesti tak jd. So lebih baik i diamkan je la dulu. That day after settling dewi's thingss.. So he said dah boleh book la. I pun ye ke. Confirm ke ni. I pun oklah. Ptg tu booked hello kitty. Next day at ofis booked hotel. That is how it happen.

Weekend before pg, i kena sakit perut. Not sure whether i ada update or not but i think i have. Husband worried sbb lps tu few days je nak gi jalan dah. Hehehe.. Guess i tak jaga makan. N my tummy is full of gas. Meaning to say ada gastric la. Hadoii.. Tak sukaa feelings ni. Pastu berjaga2 time makan smp la nak pg jb.

We start our journey around 12. Stop for lunch at shah alam at nasi ayam stall. Around 130 we make our move to jb. Stopped by few places juz to shi shi. So we reached jb town around 5pm. Pusing2.. Then minum mamam roti canai kat restoran yassin nearby d hotel thistle that we r staying.

Malam tu dinner kt stulang. Round2 tgk jb at nite then blk tido coz d next day nk kuar awal to hello kitty town.

Lps bfast, we make our way there. I had omelette, nasi lemak, cornflakes , juice n latte. Hehehe.. Hello kitty bout 20 min drive tp sbb we all pusing2 tu tak jumpa. Masuk legoland plk. Ishh..really had fun there. Parking kat luar for free. It is in building. So takpe kot bwk baby sbb dlm building.

Masuk2 is hello kitty level. Everything got to do with hello kitty. House, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dressing room, hall, n more. Really enjoying ourselves. Taken photo with tittys and friends. Then next level is barney, bob d builder n angelina d ballerina. We get to watch barney sing song. Then adik snap photo with ballerina. Bob d builder tak smpt jumpa. Hehehe..

Here's some of our photos there. Thanx daddy for d treat. Balik tu hubby bwk mamam roti kacang hj pool. Nyum! Nyum!

Next day lps bfast, checkout trus gi JPO. Shopping la apa2 yg i nak. That's wat hubby said. Thanx a lot. Nanti ada time we revisit lagi.