Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Astaga- lala fell

My daughter fell into the drAin last friday. Claimed to be pushed by brother. Donno how and why. Sometimes wondering why arrr?? No one is looking after them. Kesian busyuk mummy. She had to go for minor surgery. Kena stich la. Tp before tu kena pengsan dulu. I was in the room smp dia fell deep sleep. Rs mcm sebak sgt. Anak i ni.. I'm speechless. If i could just stay at home that will be the most suitable and finest thing. My husband tak payah nak headache2 psl anak sbb wife dia yg look after. We finished everything, discharge almost7pm. Nearly time for buka puasa. Besar dugaan kita ni yang. Semoga sabar n tabah. My parent came to visit at the hospital. Some more it's fasting month. Kesian plak diorNg kan. Bukannya boleh minum ke apa. Thank u abah n mama. 😊

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