Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hair do

After few years of not doing anything to my hair, i actually wanted to perm my hair. I told my husband early of the fasting month. I thought of just going back to my new hairsalon where she used to style my hair. But after my husband checked out a new salon via instagram he suggested me to go there for a try sbb results dia nmpk cantik. Ada style la. I thought can just walk-in. Tp tak boleh. Kena buat appointment. 1st attempt call, all slots were fully booked. I mcm frustrated sket la sbb nak buat hair tp tkde opportunity. Pastu my hubby suruh go for another attempt. Call and ask around tanya ada slot lagi. So i went on book la. I mcm aahh.. Oklah.. Just grab the opportunity kan. U'll never know. 

Until the day has arrived.risau ada,  pelik ada, mcm2 feelings la. Nervous, takut. Mcm2 ada sbb i read up a lot of digital perm. Mcm scary je. Pastu duration dia plak dlm 4 jam. I pun alamakk.. Expect the worse la. That's the best i can do for the moment. Husband accompanied me there. Seblom dia buat, haaa.. Kena bagi advise by their sifu. Mcm pelik la. Coz never experience something like that. That is what yg panggil knowledge. She said my hair's texture tak boleh buat perm.
1) my sculp not strong
2) my hair actually ada sket2 curvy wave kat hujung
3) rambut i cantik tak payah nak letak chemical lagi nak rosakkan dia.. 

Finally after 20 minutes of consultation, decided to go for hair trim and sculp treatment. Rambut i yg pnjg smp pinggang dh tggl bra-length. Rs much easier to manage and rs ringan. Pastu fringe potong sket. The style that i always like my fringe to be. Pstu start using sculp shampoo and hair shampoo. I nervous mula2 and pastu dh mula rs kurang sket. Feel much comfortable. And yg lagi best dah start rasa sleepy. Huaarrgghhh.. After washing, drying, masuk jap dlm astronaut machine tu. i think for like 20min. Pun lagi ngantuk... Tp sbb excited so takde la tido.. Baca magazines je la. Hehehe... 😀

After that, she applied the oil. This one to make my hair look not dry. And she wants to prove to me that i actually no need perming for my hair coz my hair dah original curve. Dia suruh apply curve cream je kat bawah. Tp before tu she keep on stressing to take care of my sculp. Cannot use hot water. Bila dh jaga sculp, then baru la rambut cantik for growing.  Hurmm.. "No pain no gain" yep.. It is true kan. Hahahaha... Pastu almost nk hbs husband masuk. He said now my hair looked like how i met him during school time.. Ye ke?? Thanx for the compliment.

To the salon, i mmg like your service. 👍 So insyaallah i will be fixing future appointments with you all..
Thanks.. I really love my hair. ❤

To myself-->selamat menjaga rambut for another 2 months for sculp treatment before i want to do something else. 

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