Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Feeling weird

Deary dear. I wasnt feeling so in good mood. Since few days back. I'm not sure why. Tried to ignore it tp funny. Maybe just so emotionally down. Cant help. I just felt like i'm not in the position to talk to my husband. Being quiet is much more appropriate rather than i have to create some topics to talk to. Maybe the things i talk doesnt put him in the interest. Talking about men, mmg i x phm. But like both my mom n MIL said when he stepped out of the house, he is no longer ours. Susah nk ctrl benda tu.. Hoping for d best of all situation. I kena focus blk mind.. That I CAN.. i CAN...tapi kan i pelik la husband i ni this few days, pg toilet nk bwk fon, maduk mandi nk bwk fon, pg dpn nk bwk fon, pg blkg nk bwk fon.. Mcm bercinta plk. Ntahla.. Suka hati dia la.. Mls nk layan.. Pastu bila i tanya benda diam x jwb. Dah bnyk kali kena mcm tu. Sometimes that thing sakit hati plk. Aishh...i ni stress sbb husband ke?

Dulu masa couple, when i felt sad i just want to be alone, i pernah request kt bf i time tu if we take time off tp dia tak bg. He asked what for? Now dh kawin, mcm mana nk take time off? No conversation je la... 

To my beloved chitom and elo, mummy love u til jannah..betol ckp org kasih ibu dibawa ke syurga. How i miss my parent..

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