Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Selamat pagi, November

Here we are in the month of november of 2014. The month of where i was born. Hehehe... Just got 2 more months b4 we close for the year. And we got soooo many things to do and catch up. With work, life, family, health and personal. But must be according to WORK LIFE BALANCE. 

Yesterday had a dinner treat from ex-colleague. Had dinner at ben's klcc. Wanted to go nando's tapi full. So nak pg chinoiz mahal la plak, so decided pg ben's. Oklah tried the seafood spagetini. Portion quite big. Mcm kenyang. We also order salad, portion pun bnyk. And because it is a treat she asked me to take different drink. So i took latte. Nyum..nyum..

I am now tgh service keta. Having breakfast at the cafe. Mcm nak call husband suruh fetch me tapi this morning when i spoke to him i'm leaving dia mcm mmm..mm.. Not concious. Still sleeping and sleepy. Donno what time dia balik yesterday. Entahlah. Tggu je la kat sini. It's fine.

Btw, planning something big later on.. So insyaallah.. Mudah mudahan dipermudahkan. Aminn.. :)

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