Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Short vacation - day 3 cont

Blom hbs lagi rupanya. After dah sampai atas dkt area hotel ape ntah nama dia tu parked our cars then gi turun shop tu nk mkn scone katanye. It was like seeejukk ngangat. Pegi toilet nk cuci omg shejuk air die. Hehehe. We all bwk sweaters. Husband bwk windbreaker. Katanye takut tak tahan sejuk. Tp he make it through. Alhamdulillah. Elok rs warm dr rs panas je kann.. :)
Talking bout the scones and jem mmg la sedap. Pastu ada waffle, ice cream mmg sedap sehingga tak cukup rsnya scone itu. Hehehehe.. Pastu terus pg check ins dulu. Hotel not bed. Spacious and tak humid. With only rm140. Oklah for a nite kan. Smp2 je hotel abam bogel masuk selimut. Sooo excited katanye. Suka lah tu. Lama gi holiday dok hotel. Cian nak mumny ni. Tu lah sekarang kena work hard so awak boleh pg hotels lagi sama adik. Pastu rest2 kjap nak turun gi pasar kejap b4 heading for dinner. Bestt ok buah sayur toys sbb anak dah beli. Haha.. Pastu gi mkn goreng2 beedap ngangat. N husband order ayam black pepper. It helps masa weather sejuk and cold camni. I think its like 16 degrees. Fefeeling kt tmpt org putih. Kah kah kah..

Balik tu clean up kids then its time to sleep. Anak2 pun tido awal sbb letih la i guess plus weather sejuk. Senang diorang nk sleep.

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