Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 27, 2015

Short vacation - day 4 Finale

Bgn pg cpt sket sbb nk grab scones sedap lagi for breakfast. This place is nearby the golf resort. Share2 each family mkn 3 ketul each. Son enjoying the strawberry dip chocolate over there. Dotter tak sgt. Tp mkn sket2 scone tu. We all sbb suka so mmg la layan kan. Hehehehe..

Pastu kita stop by pasar lagi nk shopping sayur bwk blk. Almosy check out time. Kemas2 pack and off to tea farm. Cantiknyaaa pemandangan!! Wow! Subhanallah! Very peaceful and fresh. Hijau gile. Husband was like watching from far. Wonder ape die pk time tu. Maybe he teringat apak dia kot. Kat atas tu i grab a twisted donat. And also rasa sket hubby's hot chocolate tea. Sedap tea dia.

From there making our way down nk pg lunch. Last2 dh smp area tanjung malim lunch. Mkn kt mamak je sbb nk cepat. Dah pukul brapa tu lunch. Hujan lebat all the way smp klang. Banjir kt shah alam teruk.

Blk tu stop by tesco. Zafran nye selipar putus. Bought new one color putih. Kemain excited lagi.

Smp umah ard 10 pastu clean up then sleep.

Thanx for the trip husband. :)

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