Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 19, 2016

1st quarter of the year almost the end

Kejap je time jalan kan. Kdg2x jeles ngan time ni. Asyik move on move on je. Kita yg nk kena kejar dia. In daily lives, daily work. Etc.. Etc.. Ni school holidays almost over. 1 week je. They call it semester break. Told my son lg 2 hari nk school blk. Muka cam xde expression langsung. Hehe.. Si comel saya ni. Takpe.. Mummy will everyday wake u up to school. Hari tu awal2 cuti, demam dua2 comel saya. Tp tak smp 40.0 below 39.5 tp still tinggi. Ishh ishh risau mummy. Within 3 days kalo x baik husband ckp bwk gi jumpa doctor. Alhamdulillah, monday morning tu dh kurang. Below 37.5 last day consume ubat demam. Dgn weather sekarang yg tak menentu. Kesian kids. Kita yg tua ni (eh.. Tua ke? ) kekekeke... Pun kdg2x x tahan. Sian diorang. Takkan all the time aircond. Lagi tak elok la kan.. Hurmm..

Dah ok tu. Nak bwk anak jenjalan. Kita tgk boboiboy movie. Best. Should watch. Adik je halfway watch sbb tido. Dia mmg camtu. Semua movie dia tgk halfway. Hahaha.. Takpelah dik. Nnt dah big sket boleh layan smp habis k. Muahh muahh...

Ni si kecik tu sleep. Mula2 peluk perut pastu pinggang. Comel and cute je rs tgn kecik dia tu. Hehehe... :) abam macam.biasa. Main game. School nak start balik ni. Semua pun back to normal lah ye.

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