Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

zafran's 1st day trip at school

today, son got day trip pegi library. 1st trip for him without family. well, hope he is fine. explaining to himself what he should do and aware while at the trip. ingat nak ikut tp heart says, let it be. let him experience something new. :) with friends. moga2x mendapat sedikit pengalaman ye anak... :)

bangun pagi tadi senang je. excited la katakan. terus mandi. by 7 dah gerak keluar sbb nak kena smp school awal. pastu jam plak kat klang. around 20 min br smp shah alam. hadoi... tp ngam2x la tadi. org semua tgh kumpul2 dlm dewan. looking at him with his gang.wahhhh....cam dah besar ye. hehehe :) nt if dpt i snap picture dia balik okie.

oklah till then.

p/s: adik, laa ni th 3rd coklat for the day. 2 choki2x and now egg kinder bueno. ishh isshh..

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