Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Beloved son's graduation day

It was a week ago. Tapi now baru nak blog psl tu. Hehehe... :) how time flies. Ingat lagi masa nk register babam last year somewhere in october. And then 1st week of school. How i feel a bit sad sbb son dah besar, dah pg sekolah. Then start the series he tak nak pegi school. And macam2 lagi la kisahnya. Well, at first nk masuk kan kat area klg je tp coz i was late, full already. MiL tried to change tapi tak dpt. Last2 baru dpt tau why God suruh dia school kat sana. Sbb tu the only year dia pegi kindie. So dia dapat bnyk exposure kat sana. Sbb compare kat sini, eventhough same parent company but different branch. Anyway, dotter will be attending the school nearby here tapi hubby said tgk one year mcm mana dulu. Anyway, here are some photos of bam graduating and concert. Susah nak snap gambar dia. Si comel mummy. CONGRATSS SON!! Love u very much!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Last day of school for babam and preschool

Rs cam semlm je i send my son to school. Hari ni dah last day. I yg sebak, sad tapi yes of course happy pun ada. To my son, this is just a beginning. Many more things that u will face and see through out your life. Inshaallah mummy and daddy will guide u. Sama2 kita learn ok. Love u sayang machitom mummy!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Ok..long post please..

Haha..yes mmg that is always i wanted to do but sometimes dont really get to do it. Lovely kids, wanting the phone almost all the time. Nk tgk youtube. Owhh my. I got so fed up these few days. My phone keep on low batt when i want to use it. Kena charge plak tu. Br leh guna. Pastu dh hbs charge, kids nk amik blk. Amboi2.. Gigit br tau. Kita marah, buat2 merajuk plak. Sayang sayang.

Btw, this week is the second last week of school session for year 2016. My son zafran no more in that school. Thank u to teachers for having the patience in teaching and guiding our kids. I start rasa sebak. And then dotter will be in klang school
 Not same as brother. Husband said to minimise my travelling cost. Stil thinking of whether to send son to sek agama. Cant decide la. Semoga nnt allah swt permudahkan. Inshaallah.

Another story, congrats to husband. For his famousrich consultancy. Reached his target. Tp he is still going to blast for more participant. We'll try and let see ok. Semoga allah swt permudahkan and perkenankan doa hambaMu ini. Ameen...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ants... Ants... Ants...

Am very fed up and mad with all these ants ants ants. All over the place especially in the kitchen they will come and hunt ur things. Yesterday was a bit sad and so i merajuk. Husband bought a new big packet of milo. I have refill it in a nice tall bekas tp coz ada org minum tak tutup rapat. Again the ants went inside the milo. Boring.. Boring.. I menyampah sgt ok.

Friday, November 11, 2016

11th november

What a cute date. 11.11 well typical ppl. Numbers also can make stories. Haha.. Nolah. Its cute right. 11.11 remember last time. 11.11.11 means 11th november 2011. But then it stops at 12.12.12 no more after that. Coz no bulan 13. Dates yg cantik ppl always relate it to wedding ceremony, like solemnization ke engagement ke or kenduri aqiqah anak and many more. Tapi bdays susah sket nak dpt nice date. Coz depending on the baby in tummy and mummy dia nk proces dia kluar.

Anyway, happy friday love!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

happy 33rd birthday to me!

Alhamdulillah. my age is increasing. it is a double digit. well going to mid 30s soon. hehehe.. well what is it got about numbers rite? yg penting ourself tu yg mesti jaga diri. yesss! improving myself in the solats, and other ibadah as well.

now am getting older, startedto worried bout kids education and their wellbeing when they grow up. now also thinking and looking where is the most apropriate place to land ourself aour own square. we MUST find our own square. Inshaallah semoga dipermudahkan Allah SWT.

actually was a bit forget about my sweet day today smp semlm my mum said, yaay! esok bday shima la. terus teringat. pastu excited sorang2. hehehe.. thanks mama! walaupun dah tua, tp tu lah mak kan.:) always and not forget to pray for parents after prayers. Aaminn!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

1st November 2016

the month of my favourite month is here. u know la why. hahaha.. well i know i know. i am getting older but heart must remain as it is yah. well, selamat lah..

currently keying in some data for husband work into excel. tadi dah pening. maybe dah lama tak tgk bnyk sgt tulisan and numbers kan. ada like 4 booklets lagi. before i can continue on the next step. inshaallah boleh.

well, last weekend was a deepavali  celebration. son pun cuti 5 hari. tgh exam postpone lah ye dulu. tomorrow school session start balik. last month of the school session before the 2016 session can call it off. well, son, hope the school taught u many things which daddy n mummy tak ada teach u. semoga membesar dijalan yang betol dan diredhai Allah Swt. Amin.