Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 18, 2016

Ok..long post please..

Haha..yes mmg that is always i wanted to do but sometimes dont really get to do it. Lovely kids, wanting the phone almost all the time. Nk tgk youtube. Owhh my. I got so fed up these few days. My phone keep on low batt when i want to use it. Kena charge plak tu. Br leh guna. Pastu dh hbs charge, kids nk amik blk. Amboi2.. Gigit br tau. Kita marah, buat2 merajuk plak. Sayang sayang.

Btw, this week is the second last week of school session for year 2016. My son zafran no more in that school. Thank u to teachers for having the patience in teaching and guiding our kids. I start rasa sebak. And then dotter will be in klang school
 Not same as brother. Husband said to minimise my travelling cost. Stil thinking of whether to send son to sek agama. Cant decide la. Semoga nnt allah swt permudahkan. Inshaallah.

Another story, congrats to husband. For his famousrich consultancy. Reached his target. Tp he is still going to blast for more participant. We'll try and let see ok. Semoga allah swt permudahkan and perkenankan doa hambaMu ini. Ameen...

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