Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 3, 2016

happy 33rd birthday to me!

Alhamdulillah. my age is increasing. it is a double digit. well going to mid 30s soon. hehehe.. well what is it got about numbers rite? yg penting ourself tu yg mesti jaga diri. yesss! improving myself in the solats, and other ibadah as well.

now am getting older, startedto worried bout kids education and their wellbeing when they grow up. now also thinking and looking where is the most apropriate place to land ourself aour own square. we MUST find our own square. Inshaallah semoga dipermudahkan Allah SWT.

actually was a bit forget about my sweet day today smp semlm my mum said, yaay! esok bday shima la. terus teringat. pastu excited sorang2. hehehe.. thanks mama! walaupun dah tua, tp tu lah mak kan.:) always and not forget to pray for parents after prayers. Aaminn!!

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