Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 31, 2017

School preparation

Mummy's thoughts

Kenduri cukur jambul zayyan

We have been postponing dah lama since october hari tu sbb ingat husband kena outstation. Last2 decided to have it on the last day of the year. Syok jugak kenn. Hehe. Preparation kelam kabit sket especially food tu. Decided to masak sdiri semua. Menu for the kenduri is meehoon goreng, mee kari, pulut kuning rendang ayam, teh tarik, air oren and kek pisang. No extra preparation for cradle and baju. Semua kita recycle balik zafran punya. Our baju also the same. Meja + kerusi, kemas rumah semua sendiri. Husband ckp malas nk rely org. Kita pun buat la sama2. Alhamdulillah it went well. The masjid team (imam + marhaban) semua ada. And amazingly all the imams and the previous ones semua ada. My brother as the official photographer. Amik gambar sbb nk simpan buat memory :) mummy a bit touching tgk gambar lama2 ni. Hehe.. Moga moga semua anak mummy menjadi anak yg soleh and solehah. Rajin . Pandai, bijak. Mummy love uolls. Btw, food for kenduri tu ngam2 habis. Ada yg x sempat rasa pun. Alhamdulillah. Last2 baju pink tu pic zayyan dah sleep. Penat. Hehe :)

31st dec 2017 - last day of the year

Last day of 2017. Banyak benda ro recap actually. Mummy will update soon. Sebab hari ni ada kenduri.

Yes now boleh update sket2. From the beginning of the year.

Jan: both zafran and zara started schooling. Primary 1 and kindie 5yo. So i am alone at home tp baby mucut is still in tummy.  Baru dalam 10-11 weeka camtu.

Feb: no where. Attendes bob's bday celebration. Others resume as usual. Haha.. So cliche kan

Mar: school hols. BiL got married. So many kekusutan at my inlaws side. Ntah x paham.

Apr: holidays at PD lexis hibiscus. Check ups as usual.  Baby dah 4 bulan.

May: started fasting but i dont. For the whole month. Nnt kena ganti.

Jun: hari raya. Kids suka la main bunga api

Jul: ohh no edd dah hampir sgt. Enjoying last2 minute pregnancy time coz it may be the last time for me

Aug: baby mucut alhamdulillah has arrived. Zayyan his name.

Sep: pantang days. Hehehe. Kelam kabut semua.

Oct: hubby's bday. Kita try amik surprise.kt dia.

Nov: my bdy.dpt present make up. Tq. :)
Nenek passed away :(

Dec: kids ikut daddy outstation. Mcm2 planning. Beli baju sekolah.

Friday, December 29, 2017

1 night stay at atok + tokmak's house

Selagi boleh balik, i balik lah bawak my kids. At times macam ada jugak rimas budak ramai2 so mmg elok la i lari ke sana kejap. School hols is almost over. So i decided to go back to parents house tido lah semlm. Btw, i mmg dh mengantuk pun mlm tu. Tak larat nak drive balik. Siang tu i cant decide nak tido ke tak tapi i brought all the equipments lah. Visiting my parents bwk cucu dia balik. Before tht kita stopby dekat playground dulu. Kids nak main. Zara siap mention to me lagi "adik nak kempiskan perut" alahaii si comel ni. I balik ni sbb saja nk tgk my mum. I mcm still x paham until now my mum sebenarnya sakit apa? I cant register it in my mind. I tgk sekarang dia mmg bnyk risaukan i. Mcm i ni semuanya tak boleh. Even i nak sleep. I donno how many times she needs to come in the room to see whether i have sleep or not. Kesian dia. I told her to sleep je lah. We are fine. Takpe. :) mum will always be mum.

Setting up kenduri zayyan

Since bulan 10 hari tu. Keep on postponing my bongsu's kenduri due to daddy's work, not enough cash, families not around. Last2 decided to have it inshaallah on 31/12/2017. Ok so mlm tu nak tgk fireworks or just lepak at home? Let daddy decide. :)

Christmas walking

It was a public holiday. Duhh! Of course la kann. Sbb christmas. So pagi tu kita breakfast capati and butter chicken. Then siap2 sbb nk shopping barang sekolah. Husband decided to go to mydin usj. At first i mcm kurang pasti nak pegi sana tak sbb brand canggih i tgk dlm website takde plak kat sana. We bukan apa. Any brands would do. So far baju anak i brand canggih and biasa boleh pakai lagi. So we decided to just buy 1 pair yg baru, socks and shoes. Zara pun socks and shoes. Banyak undies for both of them. Then daddy bought for himself baju pray together with bam. I dgn zayyan je takde. Ingt nk round2 area books and babies. Tapi husband mcm nk cepat2 move from that area. Ok lah. Kita ikut je lah. Habis tu we went straight to klcc. Sbb nk bwk kita tgk christmas deco. Mummy yg suka sgt sebenarnya. Dari dulu lagi. Tak kesah what celebration, mesti ada. I thought tak yah la pi tgk or maybe somewhere nearby je la if husband nk bwk kita tgk. Tp dia ckp pegi tempat yg mmg best nak tgk. Haa tu la terus ke klcc. Parking senang plak nk dpt. Owhh before that dpt minum juice at one of my fav store in klg lama. Near our old house. As usual honey dew. Sedapnya lahai. The sweetness tu it is just PURFECTO! Mcm puas if compare to the sweetness of air manis or air gas or chocolates or sweets. :) nnt boleh pg lagi sbb tak mahal sgt. Rm6. Tp ye lah cost pegi n balik tu je la. Tol and minyak. Zayyan 1st outing to KLCC. Tgk deco snap snap pic then ingt nak makan sana tp full. Last2 kita balik makan kat Mohd Chan shah alam. Smp rumah klg around 10.30 camtu. Clean up clean up then tido la.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

I myself and i

Yess yess i tau. I may not be perfect or good at many things but i am trying to be good at all things. Sometimes situation makes me feel like crying shouting and sleep. Currently i am stress (stress lagi) hahaha smp hari tu daughter tak nak layan i ckp sbb i tanya dia what if the next day dia kejut i tapi i tak bangun2. Dia buat muka confuse and tanya i soalan lain. Ohh gosh mengarut je i ni...

Cats aka meow

Who doesnt like cats. Everyone do coz it is cute, puffy, gebu tapi lately ni sgt stresssss dgn kucing. It's not mine. BIL's. Both of them got cats. Satu fine la jaga. Satu lagi tu mcm jaga x jaga. He's married. Reason being tak bwk rumah inlaws dia sbb wife dia athma. Habis tu yg kt sini tu mcm mana. Yes he bought his food. Tapi tak jaga dia properly. Mandi pun maybe once a month. Pastu his cat dah terkam nak mkn roti. Dah berapa kali roti kena buang. Not just 1 loaf but many loaf. Pastu dah punggah tong sampah. I stress betol. Diorang ni semua mcm x sensitive. Urrgghh..

Dulu abang riba dia, now dia yg riba adik

Itulah kak la. Si comel going to be 6 years old and still nyek. Love u adik. Why we still call her adik eventhough she already has an adik? Haha

A post about my son

So fast time passes by. (a standard novel write up. Hehe) yup it is true what. He is going to be 5 months soon. So many more adventourous things to tumble upon. Mummy wishing u all the best, semoga jadi anak yang soleh, bijak, cerdik, comel and always mummy's sweetheart. The thing is now since he knows how to turn over, sekarang ni pantang letak nk baring mesti nak pusing. Even after bathing time, nappy change time. Sleeping time of course. So kalo nak tido kena sendal kan dia dgn pillow satu put like he is hugging the pillow. Syian dia. Dah big. I took few photos of him. Cute aje. That chubby cheeks.. Ada timw hari tu nk sleep mengamuk. Milk semua taknak. So last2 kena dukung sangkut bahu baru boleh tido. :) gonna miss all that moments.. (i am growing old already. Sob sob) hahaha.. Mummy being emotional.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Another outing sesh with make up on

Trying the 2nd time. Cuma tak apply lagi eyeshadow. Yes agreed. I do looked different and refreshed. Itulah dia kuasa makeup. Hahahaha.. Perasan kejap. Bluek!

Cookies monster

Was watching tv and then the sesame street show was on air. I was like ehh dah lama tak tengok cartoon ni. Actually not really cartoon. Org pakai costume. Well, btw my favourite character is cookie monster. I used to have the pencil case, eraser, ruler, pencils with its picture on it. Husband suka elmo. Nahh i belanja cookie monster. Comell tak? :)

Friday, December 15, 2017

When mummy got sore throat and the kids were fighting

Oh gosh! Terpaksa menjerit jgk. Tekak so so so itchy and perit. Baru rs nk recover. Tp towarda petang dah cam sakit balik. Sabar ye lah wahai hati. :( feels like eating 20ml of cough medicine. Mcm stress je bunyi tu. Hahaha.

Short work trip to sitiawan

Haha! Again? Hehe.. Ye lah tu. Just a 1 night stay. Tapi this time a different hotel. At the place daddy needs to attend dinner..tepi laut and ada pool. Different place. Hotel of course previous one better, siap iron semua. Ni phone prob, iron lama tggu, call housekeeping pun kena bnyk kali sbb xse org angkat. Tapi kids suka je. I got sore throat even before travelling. Rasanya sebab bnyk minum ais and makan benda manis. I ni tu lah dia. Sensitive. So kena la jaga2 kena minum bnyk air suam. The bed king size. Zayyan got his cot. Kita 4 semua muat. The best part about this trip is the dinner where we had the ikan kukus halia. Beedap. Telur dadar. And sayur campur. And that nite kita dapat singgah the lantern show. Not really a show. More like pameran lantern. Cantik & creative tapi part bawah jln dia tak tar. So sian zayyan jalan goyang2 dlm stroller. Haha.. Balik hotel dlm 12 mlm. Aiyooo.. Kalo parents tau mmg kena marah. Hehe.. Next day pagi breakfast ngan zara je kt lobby. Boys semua tido. Oklah food dia but no nasi lemak. Kids again pegi swimming. Zayyan 1st time try swim. Tgk muka mmg suka and enjoy. Before nk gerak blk klg beli cake kt TBH bakery lah.Where else. Hehehe.. Tp sad sbb takde banana cake & original cake.. Ok takpe. If ada rezeki pg lagi kita beli ok. :)

Monday, December 11, 2017

Short trip balik kampung

Husband decided to balik kampung. Short getaway katanya. Oklah. Kita follow. Dulu i penah usik dia, ckp i takyah la balik. Dia je la balik. Pastu terus muncung cam merajuk. Hehe.. Nnt nak buat lagi lah. Ckp mcm tu. Sooo cute . Nak cubit pipi pao. Mcm pipi zayyan.

1st day tu - planned to start our journey by 7.30 tapi last2 ard 9 jugak. Pegi breakfast kt restoran gembira seksyen 3. I as usual amik nasi lemak dia. Cakoi  for kids. Lepas tu we gerak around 10.30 heading straight to muar. Katanya nak bwk kita rasa murtabak sedap and asam pedas. Asam pedas dia sedap. Tp lain sket dgn rs mak kita buat. But yes the apam balik taste good. Panas2 tu pun kita nak makan jgk. Mcm x leh tggu sejuk sket. Hahha.. Bnyk i mkn. Then reach segamat around 5pm. Nap kejap dlm car. I dpt drive kt highway earlier. From pedas linggi up to Jasin. Hubby nk rest kejap. Nervous ok. Sbb jalan tu tak biasa lalu and not normal road. :) mlm tu dinner makan nasi lauk ayam masak merah. Pedas pedas sket. Kenyang dah. That night, zayyan mcm mengamuk teruk. Kesian tgk rupa dia. Si comel. Org lain usik2 dia pun ada. Then dia dah lawan mata. Time tido tak nak tido. Kesian bucuk ami. Mlm tu sejuk betol. Nasib baik ada bwk socks. At least kalo takde selimut, socks ada pun kira ok gak. Temperature 23 celcius. Sejuk giler. Around pukul berapa tu terjaga off kipas. Kids tido kt bwh. Ada toto. Diorang pun request selimut. Beejuk katanya. Hehe. Zayyan mmg ada selimut sendiri. :)

2nd day breakfast jemput2. And mihun. Pastu kita gi mengopi kt kopitiam. Ordered coffee c. Pekat pahit. Roti steam dia sedap. Lunch kt rumah je. Sambal goreng. Ikan goreng and sayur betik. Enough for me. Budak kuah sayur n ikan goreng. Petang tu nk mkn mee hitam. Tp dah pedas la. Takleh nk enjoy sgt mcm dulu punya.hurm.. Mlm tu opah cooked laksa johor. Ada dessert pudding and kek gula hangus. Mlm tu not so cold. Tp husband off jgk kipas sbb sejuk. Tu pun siap selimut semua.

Last day, breakfast nasi lemak and roti canai. Lunch nasi ayam. Otw back to klang beli kudap2. Icecream durian. Wow beeedap tp now my tekak a bit reddish. Kena minum bnyk plain water. Hishhh.. Mlm tadi dinner roti naan and tandoori. Wow! Delicious nya. Hehe..

Smp rumah ard 10pm. Rest jap then mandi zayyan. Mandi sket lah. Kalo tak nnt mcm x selesa. All of us pun mandi. Put dirty laundry semua then tido ard 12 midnite. Tak larat sangat. Zayyan siap bedung nk tido. Guess dia pun penat.

End of story.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Alhamdulillah zayyan dah 4 months

Born on 9 aug. Today 9 dec. So dah 4 bulan. Alhamdulillah. Giving me the opportunity to care for my child up right after pantang until now. Nangis2 tu mmg la selalu. Tapi i mmg risau ye lah. He is still small. Trying to jaga my food intake. Tried a few types of sea food. Tapi lps tu body dia ada cam keluar rashes sket2. Hehe. Mummy makan sket jaa. Tak bnyk. :)

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Zafran's 1st tooth came out already

He is being exciting bout the tooth yg nk patah. Mummy gigi abang goyang. Gigi abang goyang. Pastu last sunday, bising2 sbb gigi dia sakit. Nngis sbb tak bagi daddy cabut. Daddy then tricked him suruh tarik nafas, terus daddy cabut. Terkejut dia..tapi xde la nangis. Hehe.. Soo cute.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Thebalm cosmetic

Ok. Started applying the gift set i got for my bday. Brushes pun dah beli. Geram je tgk. Well, husband ckp i looked different. Nampak glowing katanya. He said i should try to apply everytime and everyday so i will be expert to it. I guess have to make-up make-up for me to look good. Or else nmpk pale sgt. Sister ckp i dah lah kurus. So kena la maintain that way. Nampak glowing lagi. Smp zayyan asyik tengok mummy dia je time nk keluar for lunch yesterday.

Zayyan can meniarap already

Before reaching 4 months, to be exact 30.11.2017 that day. Managed to turn already. Tapi tak tau pusing balik. And then bila penat,jerit panggil orang. So must be careful lepas ni. Kena letak pillow sendal tepi. Good progress baby boy. Muahh muahh.

Short holiday for kids - sitiawan

Ye lah short holiday la tu. Actually daddy has got some work to do there at sitiawan. Tapi since it is going to be like 5 days or more , he decided to take all of us there. Kids when we told them that we r going to hotel tetiba muka excited giler and jerit2 woohoo woohoo haaaa... Hahahahaaha funny sgt masa tu. Comel sgt.

Mummy legend. Mlm tu tido kul 12, esoknya pukul 5.30 dah bangun pack bag sbb mlm tu ngantok noo nk kemas. Agak2 la bwk sbb 5 days kot. Include swimming attire. Coz kids gonna have swimming session at the hotel. That is what they like. :) sampai kat sana ard 2.30 lepak mkn mcd dlm car then baru check in sbb hotel accept 3pm and above. Ohhh first time zayyan sit at his car seat. The night before travel kita belikan for him. Mcm terkejut je plan semuanya. Alhamdulillah he is fine and ok in his seat. Smp hotel i mcm dah start dizzy. Not sure why. Lapar ke or lama dah x jalan jauh ke apa sebenarnya. Soo i bnyk tido kejap2 smp nak pegi dinner. Bluek jap kat kedai makan. That shop boleh tahan food dia. Taste semua not bad.

1st day dinner menu
1) chicken soup
2) butter prawn
3) white rice
4) warm water, hot milo, sirap suam

Second day. Feeling better. Maybe penat sket kot. Breakfast roti canai. Lunch buffet kat restoran tak ingt nama. Ni semua area lumut. I amik sup ayam jgk sbb baru nak recover tummy.

2nd day dinner menu
1) white rice
2) siakap stim halia (sedapp nya!!)
3) sawi sos tiram
4) telur dadar
5) air sama seperti di atas

3rd day breakfast roti and hot milo. I brought milo and sugar knowing that myself mesti nak minum milo kat hotel jgk nnt. Brought in a small size of tipuware. Lunch plak kat selera mak tok. We choose the fish that we want. Then the nenek will cook the dish that u want. Either curry/asam pedas. We choose both. Plus additional ayam goreng kunyit. Mmg kenyang hbs kita.

3rd day dinner menu - simple je. Roti naan and tandoori. Air semua sama.

4th day lunch kat hotel je. Husband bought nasi ayam for us. Nasi ayam sodap katanya. Dekat dengan foodcourt nearby our hotel.

Ohh lupa lak. Hotel kita nama dia Sefera. Boleh tahan lah. Tapi room quite small. Requested baby cot for zayyan so at least dia tido proper place. Pandai dah kecik2 jalan pegi hotel. Swimming pool nice. Kids enjoyed themselves. Equipment semua kitorang bwk. Kat sana siap ada balls lgi. While they swim i pegi reading room.

Last day tu we decided to go back to attend kenduri tahlil arwah nenek. The last night. So alhamdulillah managed to sampai banting around 9.30 bertolak dari sitiawan around 4.30 mmg la jam. Lama tu. Dekat 6 jam drive. Fuhh..

Itulah dia story short get away kids. Mummy suka je jalan2 tukar view. Ohh ohh lupa lagi. Bakery dia sedap. That one i remember. TBH bakery house. Before balik we bought doughnuts , original cake yg rs mcm cheese cake. I loikee! Banana cake. Mmg sedap lah. Tu hbs dlm car. Hehehehe.

Daddy said most probably we will be going there again. See how ok. :)