Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 31, 2017

31st dec 2017 - last day of the year

Last day of 2017. Banyak benda ro recap actually. Mummy will update soon. Sebab hari ni ada kenduri.

Yes now boleh update sket2. From the beginning of the year.

Jan: both zafran and zara started schooling. Primary 1 and kindie 5yo. So i am alone at home tp baby mucut is still in tummy.  Baru dalam 10-11 weeka camtu.

Feb: no where. Attendes bob's bday celebration. Others resume as usual. Haha.. So cliche kan

Mar: school hols. BiL got married. So many kekusutan at my inlaws side. Ntah x paham.

Apr: holidays at PD lexis hibiscus. Check ups as usual.  Baby dah 4 bulan.

May: started fasting but i dont. For the whole month. Nnt kena ganti.

Jun: hari raya. Kids suka la main bunga api

Jul: ohh no edd dah hampir sgt. Enjoying last2 minute pregnancy time coz it may be the last time for me

Aug: baby mucut alhamdulillah has arrived. Zayyan his name.

Sep: pantang days. Hehehe. Kelam kabut semua.

Oct: hubby's bday. Kita try amik surprise.kt dia.

Nov: my bdy.dpt present make up. Tq. :)
Nenek passed away :(

Dec: kids ikut daddy outstation. Mcm2 planning. Beli baju sekolah.

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