Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 4, 2017

Short holiday for kids - sitiawan

Ye lah short holiday la tu. Actually daddy has got some work to do there at sitiawan. Tapi since it is going to be like 5 days or more , he decided to take all of us there. Kids when we told them that we r going to hotel tetiba muka excited giler and jerit2 woohoo woohoo haaaa... Hahahahaaha funny sgt masa tu. Comel sgt.

Mummy legend. Mlm tu tido kul 12, esoknya pukul 5.30 dah bangun pack bag sbb mlm tu ngantok noo nk kemas. Agak2 la bwk sbb 5 days kot. Include swimming attire. Coz kids gonna have swimming session at the hotel. That is what they like. :) sampai kat sana ard 2.30 lepak mkn mcd dlm car then baru check in sbb hotel accept 3pm and above. Ohhh first time zayyan sit at his car seat. The night before travel kita belikan for him. Mcm terkejut je plan semuanya. Alhamdulillah he is fine and ok in his seat. Smp hotel i mcm dah start dizzy. Not sure why. Lapar ke or lama dah x jalan jauh ke apa sebenarnya. Soo i bnyk tido kejap2 smp nak pegi dinner. Bluek jap kat kedai makan. That shop boleh tahan food dia. Taste semua not bad.

1st day dinner menu
1) chicken soup
2) butter prawn
3) white rice
4) warm water, hot milo, sirap suam

Second day. Feeling better. Maybe penat sket kot. Breakfast roti canai. Lunch buffet kat restoran tak ingt nama. Ni semua area lumut. I amik sup ayam jgk sbb baru nak recover tummy.

2nd day dinner menu
1) white rice
2) siakap stim halia (sedapp nya!!)
3) sawi sos tiram
4) telur dadar
5) air sama seperti di atas

3rd day breakfast roti and hot milo. I brought milo and sugar knowing that myself mesti nak minum milo kat hotel jgk nnt. Brought in a small size of tipuware. Lunch plak kat selera mak tok. We choose the fish that we want. Then the nenek will cook the dish that u want. Either curry/asam pedas. We choose both. Plus additional ayam goreng kunyit. Mmg kenyang hbs kita.

3rd day dinner menu - simple je. Roti naan and tandoori. Air semua sama.

4th day lunch kat hotel je. Husband bought nasi ayam for us. Nasi ayam sodap katanya. Dekat dengan foodcourt nearby our hotel.

Ohh lupa lak. Hotel kita nama dia Sefera. Boleh tahan lah. Tapi room quite small. Requested baby cot for zayyan so at least dia tido proper place. Pandai dah kecik2 jalan pegi hotel. Swimming pool nice. Kids enjoyed themselves. Equipment semua kitorang bwk. Kat sana siap ada balls lgi. While they swim i pegi reading room.

Last day tu we decided to go back to attend kenduri tahlil arwah nenek. The last night. So alhamdulillah managed to sampai banting around 9.30 bertolak dari sitiawan around 4.30 mmg la jam. Lama tu. Dekat 6 jam drive. Fuhh..

Itulah dia story short get away kids. Mummy suka je jalan2 tukar view. Ohh ohh lupa lagi. Bakery dia sedap. That one i remember. TBH bakery house. Before balik we bought doughnuts , original cake yg rs mcm cheese cake. I loikee! Banana cake. Mmg sedap lah. Tu hbs dlm car. Hehehehe.

Daddy said most probably we will be going there again. See how ok. :)

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