Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Just want to bebel bebel bebel

Sooo many things to tell. So many things to type and yet that thing all just running in my head. Sometimes blogging pun x sempat. Busy with everyday mummy work and nak tgk phone berjam2 pun takde. Rasa mcm malas. How arr? Where to start yah.. Hurmm.. Oklah i try slowly.

1. Ramadhan is coming to an end. It is the 23rd already. About a week left before raya aidilfitri. At this age, not much syokness of raya. A bit sad coz the holy month is coming to an end. But still happy managed to fast. Alhamdulillah. Managed to bake my favourite cookies with beloved daughter. Daliya for dahlia cookies. Tapi dah hbs.. Kena bake another round. Wanted to do earlier. Tapi am a bit tired and moody, so decided not to do so.

2. Yesterday was daughter's 6th birthday. Alhamdulillah as she has grown 1 year older. Bukan senang nak raise a kid. Telling her to try stop nyek when she is 6. Yesterday morning let her taste tapi it was a little while only. Maybe she got the sense that she is old for breast feed already. Hahaha.. My wish came true as i wanted to breastfeed her till she is 2 years old. Tapi she continue until she is 6. What an experience. I guess the oldest is 4 right. Now looking at her sleeping, dgn pipi tembam nya, soo cute.. Sooner she will become a young teenage girl. Sometimes taktau betol ke tak apa yg i buat. Whatever it is i love her very much. :)

3. The feelings of having own space. Not just privacy tapi many things. Soon two kids going to school already. Mcm short of space. With current situation, where sometimes i feel that i je nak kena tahan hati & sabar hati dgn kerenah masing2. No wonder i am soo kurus eventhough i eat a lot. Sbb i ni stress. Menyampah!

4. My mother. Always heard that my father mcm scolded my mum with almost everything that she does. For example, mum went to shops to shopping in the morning. Asked her why didnt wait for abah. She said he cannot wake up in thw morning. Ngantok. Asked my dad why didnt he bring her there to shop. Did already tapi bila sampai tak cantik la tak lawa la tak elok la. Hurmm.. And dad keep on stressing that she is ada sket tak betol. Bila dgr i mcm stress tau jadinya. Apa nak buat eh? Bila i dgr balik conversation my mum and mik. Mcm sama je. Cerita pasal old stories. Cuma mil ada la tau pasal current situation. Mum takde. Pastu dia pusing2 cerita lain. Hahaha. When the other day i told my husband, dia mcm diam je tgk handphone dia. Not even talking to me. Mcm malas nK lAyan. Tu lah kdg2 rasa malas nak cerita kat sape2 sbb mcm tak yah lah nak tau. Buat semak je. Setakat u tau je lah.

5. Sometimes i sendiri ada doubt dgn husband i ni. Yes i know he is my husband. Tapi kdg2 his words are different. Sbb nak buat cerita tu nmpk best, he added all the sugar, spices and everything nice so jadi lah. Mcm2. I can still remember time card touchngo dia mcm pelik.. Written balik semlm. Tapi apsal baru smp hari ni. Pastu ckp error. Then diam smp la ni..hurmm..  If dia nak tipu kita tipu lah. I tak kesah dah lah. Tak kuasa nak jeles2 ni. Just sakit hati ada lah. Ada 2 3 benda lagi. Whereby i pun tak tau why she does that. Mcm pelik lah kan. Hurmm..

6. Kids. Growing up. Banyak benda i nak expose kan diorang ni. Tapi husband i sekat itu sekat ini. Yup i know i dont jave sufficient cash. Tapi kesian. I want them to feel happy as kids. Trying some new activities. Kann syok tu. Baby zayyan is going to be 10 months. Alhamdulillah. Love u all.. Xoxoxo.. Muaahh..

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