Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 18, 2018

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir batin 1439 h

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri. Maaf zahir batin. It's the 4th raya only i get to blog. Hahaha.. Mlm raya iolls is busy. My menu is as usual, kuah kacang + ayam. Siap masak petang raya. Plan well with hubby coz taknak mlm sibuk memasak lagi. Mlm tu just kemas rumah lah. At last we sleep at 2 am. Pastu pagi raya 6.30 dah terjaga. Hahaha excited lebih. Wake hubby up. Pastu weolls take turn mandi siap2. So 1st time mummy make up make up and wear lense..hubby ckp bg nmpk cantik sket. Ok fine. Well i do look different. Mmg lense berkuasa besar merubah your face appearance. Kita ni bukan lah selalu nak cantik2 ni. Tp husband kita like org cantik2 ni. Ok we will try lah. Bila nak gi jalan pakai cantik2 ok. Make up cantik2 ok. Ok. This year first raya is at klang first. There is a bit of changes in terms of the plan. Tapi ok can accommodate. Just the next day tu je takleh. Sbb terbangun lambat. Hehe. 1st raya for zayyan. Just tak nak stay dendiam snap photos. Alahai.. Si comel ni. Babam pun dah makin susah nak snap. Asik nak berlari je. :)

Well we just got back from segamat. Stop by banting rumah mak jah & mak ngah. Next round if ada kita pegi rumah ucu lak ye. Sekarang semua org mcm nk catch up dgn tido je. Nak massage lah kaki ni. Cam lenguh. Nnt nak find time to go for body scrub.

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